Chapter 29

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Adora's pov

I woke up feeling a bit dizzy, I shook my head trying to remember what happened before I blacked out but nothing came to mind, as I sat up rubbing my eyes I felt someone touching my shoulder "Adora, Adora!" I looked at the person as fast as I can "uh Glimmer?" she nodded as Bow was standing next to her "what happened?" I asked when finally my vision became more clearer "Glimmer found you lying on the ground and since what happened with Scorpia the last time she paniced and well I think someone helped her carried you into the nurse's office" Bow said as he looked at me with concerns "I see thanks Glimmer" I said with a smile, she then scratched the back of her head "awww you don't have to say thanks, it's what friends do" I nodded as I stand up "well since I'm perfectly fine now, I think I'll be going to class" as I said this Bow put his hands on my shoulder  "Adora, are you sure you're ok? I mean w-" "Bow I'm fine really, now period are we on so I can go there?" both Glimmer and Bow looked at each other before looking back at me "well it's the 3rd Period" Glimmer said with a uneasy smile.

I nodded as I smiled at them "thanks, see you all at lunch then" I said as I started to walk to my class, as I was walking I let my smile drop, everything what Bow said was odd, especially when he said Glimmer found me out cloud, I don't know maybe I'm over thinking it, as I was walking accidentally walked into someone "sorry, I didn't mean to bumped into you." "It's alright, it happens" I nodded before looking at the person, My whole body froze up for some reason, I swore I've seen this man somewhere "oh Adora, meet Mr Prime, he is going to sponsor our football team" I looked at Angella and then back at Prime "N-Nice to meet you sir, sorry agian" I said as fast as O can before rushing to class, everything about Prime gave me a bad feeling especially that he seemed way too familiar.

Glimmer's pov

I knew Adora saw me talking to Hordak, Shadow Weaver and Horde Prime, and I knew that she was Drugged by one of the Horde members, after all I was there. I don't like the idea with working with them but it is until Catra is out of our lives, the fact is I don't trust Catra, I don't believe that she is a good person who just went on the wrong track nor do I like her actually I hate her, after those times she bullied, humiliated and tortured us.

I lied to Bow because I know he wouldn't support of the idea on what I'm doing now,and the thing is he would be right about not wanting to be part of this or me being apart of it, after Adora left to go to her classes I looked at Bow with a smile before taking his hand in mine "well since we have the same class lets go" he nodded before slowly walking with me "Glimmer I've been thinking, are you sure we shouldn't try to get her home? I mean I'm worried about her." "she will be fine, she is Adora after all" Bow stopped and stared at me "Glimmer, something is off, you would freak out when stuff like this happens to her....Glim be honest with me what's going on?" I looked into his eyes before letting out a sigh "nothing is going on, I'm just taking Mermista, Netossa, Spinnerella's advice to stop being over protective thats all" I gave him a kiss on his cheek "don't worry nothing is going on" he nodded "alright I believe you" he let out a smile before we continued to walk to class.

Catra's pov

I let out a low groan as I stretched my legs and arms before letting out a yawn, I opened my eyes and sat up straight. I felt shit, when I mean I feel like shit I mean I feel like a whole fucking train flatten me, I turned my head to see a not, I picked it up and read it

' Catra, I'm going to school if anybody stops by pretend to be sick...I told them that you're sick and that's why you won't be at school today

love Adora~ '

I rolled my eyes while smiling ' she reall is a dork' I thought to myself before climbing out of bed, I slowly walked to the bathroom and stared to slowly to undress, as I climbed into the shower I turned on the water at first I let out a yelp from the water being cold but soom relaxed when the water started to warm up, I closed my eyes when I finally allow myself to enjoy the warmth and to let myself enjoy the relaxing silence but it was short lived as I heard the bell ringing downstairs "oh for fuck sakes" I whispered to myself, I closed the taps before walking out of the shower, I grabbed some sweat pants and long sleeved shirt and threw it on before rushing down stairs to open the door "yes?"

Scorpio waved nervously " um Hi wild cat um did I interrupted anything" I shook my head "no what possibly could give you that idea?" "well you kinda look annoyed" she said while she fiddles with her hands, I looked at her for a minute or two before letting out a sigh "no, your fine Scorpia, I just woke up and took a quick shower" she nodded slowly "I see, um anyway I just came her to drop something off " she said before pulling out a small package from her pocket, I took it slowly "thanks Scorps" I then let out a sigh "hey listen, I know you're frightened after last night just know I won't ever hurt you and I won't let others hurt you either" I said before closing the door.

I sat down and opened the small box and all there was,was two rings and a letter, I opened up the letter and started to read it slowly

' Catra, if you're reading this well it means me and your father aren't a round anymore.

Im writing this so you can understand why we reported you to the police.

When we found out you were doing drugs hurted us, we always thought what did we do wrong for you to turn out this way, and then when your father saw you robbing someone he called me and we discussed this and we both thought maybe you needed this so you could lead a better life than this what you got yourself into.

I know probably you wouldn't want to see us after everything but just know this we do love you alot, out brave little kitten, a parents Job isn't easy and I do hope that you'll become a better person Catra, and I hope that the person who inspires you to become a better woman just like how your father made me a better person. I don't care who that person is, or what gender they are as long they make you happy.

I put our first promse rings in there for you so that maybe one day you can make the same promise as me and  your father did when we slip that rings on our fingers.

I hope we shall meet again Catra

Love mom.'

I stared at the letter for a while before tearing up, I really do miss my parents "Love you to mom" I whispered as I put it back into the box.

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