Chapter 48

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Adora's pov

"guys....Glimmer is in trouble....." the room went into a deep awkward silent before Catra let out a sarcastic scoff "ok guys lets all pack up and save the person who wanted me to die~" I looked at Catra as she said that "Catra I know what she did was...Well.."

"bitch move?"

"overly evil?"

"being a simp ass hoe?"

I then looked at Mermista, Perfuma and Netossa while nodding "yea what they said, but it doesn't mean we have to go down to her level of pettiness" I said while crossing my arms, Catra glared me before looking away "Adora...As much as I love you, I don't think I could save Sparkles" she said before letting out a sigh "beside we all just got out of one trouble why move to another one? I mean come on it's like saving a dog and turn it into a hotdog" I was about to argue against her but then kept my mouth shut, as much it pains me to say this but she is right "you...You are right".

"Catra might be right, but it still wouldn't be right to leave Glimmer in that situation as well" Bow said as he walks towards the door "I understand, she....She did hurt us, in different ways but deep down we all know she is a good person. Now I'll be going to save her, if you're with me then come with if not then stay here" everyone looked at eachother mumbling or whispering before looking back at Bow "we are going to help you" I said with a smile, at first everyone seemed like they were about to slice me up but thankfully Catra spoke up "fine, let's Safe sparkles but I swear   If she talks to me I'll punch her" she said as she crossed her arms.

I smiled at her for second before looking at Bow "alright let's go,she did send us her location, but before we go I got a plan first"

Glimmer's pov

I slowly brought my legs close to my chest to hug them, I can't believe I wad so stupid, why did J threaten Prime "Oh Glimmer there is no escaping so please come out", he said with a annoyed tone but yet still calm.

I kept in my breath as I try to get myself to not to cry, as I heard his foot steps were getting closer I closed my eyes praying that he doesnt get me, and thank goodness my prayers seemed to be answered as his phone rang.

"what is it little brother....... I see..... Well then I guess we wouldn't want that"

I let out the breath I was holding when I heard his footsteps disappear, I crawl out of my hiding spot "that was close" I whispered to myself. As I was about to stand up I felt a hand 9n my shoulder, I turned around and punched the owner "Ow is that how you treat your friends noew?!" my eyes widen as I look at who it was "B-Bow!? You came?" I asked with tears as I wrapped him into a hug "Of course I did, but with help" I looked up at him "what do you mean?"

"I'll explain but first let's get out of here and patch up some of your wounds, you look terrible" he said with a smile, I nodded slowly as he took my hand while we rushed down to Lonnie's car, I wanted to ask questions but at this point I didn't. As we reached her car we climbed in, I sat in the back While Bow was in the front with Lonnie "so not to be ungrateful but can someone please explain"

"well after you called Arora she told us that she thinks you were in trouble, so we came up with a plan we figured it was the Horde so we had Seahawk in the distance somewhere with Entrapta so we could figure out who we were dealing with when we found out it was Prime we got Mermista and Netossa causing trouble with Rogelio and Kyle which would get Hordak's attention and call Prime while me, Lonnie and Arora were waiting to see when you were safe" I shook my head in disbelief "wait wait... But I don't see Adora" he let out a frown "you will soon cause she will be driving us to your house since Lonnie have to go Back to see if Kyle and Regolio is alright"

I nodded slowly as I sat back and looked outside the window knowing that this wont be easy to face Adora, I'm sure they've already told her what I did.

Adora's pov

I waited for Lonnie to arrive with Glimmer and Bow, while I was waiting I was trying to figure out on what to say to her, Im not sure if I want to say that I'm happy that she is alright or to strangle her, my train of thoughts stopped as I saw Lonnie's car, Iet out a smile but the slowly to frown as the car stopped and when Glimmer climbed out, she waves at me slowly.

I couldn't help but to cross my arms, luckly Swift Wind was here "hi Adora it's been a while" I looked away as I walked towards the truck "I wonder why" I whispered loud enough so she could hear me, I climbed back into the Truck and helped Bow to get Glimmer on "Thanks Lonnie, and I'm Good luck" Now said with a smile, Lonnie shook her head before giving us a grin "no problem, just make sure the little bitch is save"

"woah is it necessary to call me that?" we all looked at her "yes it is especially when you yourself did all this" Lonnie said before walking away to her Car, When Lonnie was out of sight we started to drive to Glimmer's place, it was all dead quiet until she finally spoke up "Adora I.... I'm sorry, I'm sure you do know truth but...... I am really sorry" I kept my eyes off of her before I finally said how I feel "sorry? Sorry is just a word to now especially when it comes out of you.... First you made Catra ran off and now almost got her killed? Yea no if you are sorry then you have to prove it that you are" I know she was tearing as I hear her sniffles, I know what I said was harsh but I cant just forgive her... Not after all this.

"so Glimmer mind telling us how you were even in that situation" I moved my caze towards her also curious on how did she do that " well I went to say I'm done helping him and well he didn't liked that he said something that he shall kill the impure member" I shook my head as I stopped my self to give her a hug.

The rest of the ride was in this awkward silence, when we reached Glimmer's house and all we saw were cops and the swat team almost everywhere, we all climbed out of the truck, we walked up to Glimmer's dad who looked like he went to war and came back "Dad what's going on?!" he flinched before he looked at us "well kiddo..... How can I say this.... You se-"

"sir we found the bomb sir" out eyes widen we heard the there was a bomb in the house "only that one?" "yes it's only this one" at that moment everyone's phone beeped, we all looked at the message with horror as we read the message

??? : well little children, you do wanna play this little game, now we shall began.

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