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"How am I-" Galaxy Steve stammered. "How do you- Did you really-" 

"What do you mean by you 'had a vision'?" Alex asked, interrupting Galaxy Steve. "And how do you know if Galaxy Steve's poisoned?"

"I know, I know," Sabre tried to reassure the two, glancing at Rainbow Steve for a short moment. "I have a lot to explain, but now is not the time. Green Steve, can you help him?"

Green Steve finished inspecting Galaxy Steve before turning to Sabre with a confused expression, shrugging. 

"What?" Sabre explained, knowing what Green Steve meant; He didn't know how to help Galaxy Steve. "Will you be able to figure it out before tomorrow morning?" 

Green Steve thought for a moment. He motioned his hands in the sign-language he spoke in and Sabre turned to Portal Steve, who jumped right into translating Green Steve's voiceless language. 

"He says as long as Galaxy Steve is fine now, he'll be fine until he can find a cure," Portal Steve told him. 

Sabre nodded, though he didn't feel as reassured as he thought he would be. Green Steve continued to move his hands as he explained more and Portal Steve went on with his translations. 

"We should get a move on," Portal Steve said, watching Green Steve's hands thoroughly. "If it's true Galaxy Steve will die in the morning, we should at least go on with our journey to find Blue Alex and get on with stopping Forest Steve and saving the spirits of the Cemetary of Bones. I will help in finding herbs and watching Galaxy Steve for any signs that he is poisoned. Green Steve is right," Portal Steve said once he finished translating. Sabre was about to protest, though portal Steve went on in answering his arguments before they were said. "And don't worry, Green Steve said so himself; Galaxy Steve will be fine, and Green Steve is the best healer we know. We need to trust him."

Sabre sighed, lowering his gaze from Portal Steve's, but nodded. "I do trust Green Steve." he glanced back up at the group. "Let's go."

*   *   *

The sun just began peaking through the deep blue night sky, the stars fading from view. Unease was nagging at Sabre with each step he took and each second that passed. He couldn't help but glance over his shoulder at Galaxy Steve every once in a while. Dread overwhelmed him, the scene looked exactly like it had in his vision. The group walking at daybreak, Galaxy Steve clinching his side, Alex walking beside him. He wanted to say something to stop the group, explain to them his worries. But, how could he? Green Steve had already grabbed herbs before they left, the only thing different about what was happening, at the moment. Perhaps Sabre's worries were nothing. Maybe his worries only caused him to have the nightmare of Galaxy Steve's death. And even if it was true that his vision would fulfil itself, Green Steve had herbs and medical supplies prepared. Galaxy Steve may be saved. 

And just like that, the beginning of his vision began. Galaxy Steve dropped to his knees and clutched his wound tightly, gritting his teeth in pain. Alex dropped down next to him and turned to Sabre. Sabre knew what was going to happen next, and he couldn't let that happen. 

"Green Steve!" He called to the Green Steve. Green Steve turned his way, and paused, spotting Galaxy Steve. He grabbed Portal Steve's shoulder and the rest of the group stopped alongside him. 

"Wha-" Portal Steve began. Green Steve quickly pointed to Galaxy Steve and Portal Steve let out a short gasp of shock. Rainbow Steve glanced at Sabre worriedly, yet surprise followed beside his worried expression. Blue Steve stood beside Rainbow Steve, watching in horror as Galaxy Steve fell to his side and rolled onto his back, wheezing. Sabre hurried with Green Steve to Galaxy Steve's side, the rest of the group slowly following. Tears streamed down Galaxy Steve's face, the pain he must be feeling unbearable. Green Steve checked the wound before pulling out herbs after herbs. Green Steve eyed each one of them, inspecting the leaves, stems, and roots in his hands. He turned to Sabre, a sorrowful cloud shown in his green gaze. Sabre felt as if his heart could no longer beat, his blood no longer run, his lungs no longer breath, his mind no longer conscious to reality. His vision was true; Green Steve could do nothing to help his pained friend, just as his vision showed. Sabre turned back to Galaxy Steve, who rasped for breath, unable to breathe. Was it his fault his friend couldn't be saved? Unable to answer that question, he could only barely stand and watch his poor, dying friend suck in a final, shaky breath before closing his eyes and fell motionless. 

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