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Sorry, I couldn't choose between the two theme songs. Tell me which one you prefer in the comments! (The first one was "Thinkin'" and this one is "Truth and Malice") -Emburn ❤

Sabre climbed up the cliffside after Green Steve. They had left only minutes ago, and Sabre was already beginning to get tired. 

"We will climb up that cliffside," Green Steve had told him, pointing to the cliff on the other side of the valley. "From there, we will enter the beast's territory." 

When they had left, Sabre realized even if it looks like his arm was gone, he could still use it as if it were invisible. Sabre heaved himself over the edge, Green Steve stood above him as he lay there trying to catch his breath. 

"Come on," Green Steve said. "We don't have much time before the others awake and realize we're gone."

Sabre stood up and followed him down the slope. In front of them by a distance, a large, thick forest filled with dead, bare trees stood. It went on until it hit the edge of Sabre's vision. Dark gray smoke drifted through the air when the two entered the forest, hiding their feet and blurring their vision. Sabre tried to stay near Green Steve, just so he wouldn't lose him. Every once in a while, it seemed he lost sight of him but Sabre would soon realize he was still following Green Steve. A cold, smelly breeze blew in Sabre's face. He coughed slightly from the stench and hugged his arms. His breath came out in puffs of steam as he continued forward. Green Steve didn't look cold at all, and Sabre thought it was just his vision. 

"We're close." Green Steve said, glancing over his shoulder. "Be aware of your surroundings. The beast could be anywhere."

Sabre swallowed. It was either he would die from the Steves' conditions, live from the power source, or die from being eaten alive from a mysterious beast in the dead forest. He paused for a moment when a twig snapped from behind him. He whipped around to face the darkness, but he saw nothing but moving shadows of smoke and dust with tall trees looming over him. Sabre blinked, someone was out there, stalking them. 

"Hurry up, Sabre!" Green Steve called. "We're almost there, I'm sure."

Sabre looked back to the shadows once before turning to catch up to Green Steve. An owl called out, making Sabre's heart shudder.

"What made you stop, back there?" Green Steve asked when he caught up. 

"I thought something was following us," Sabre replied. "But I guess not. I didn't see anything." 

"Let's hurry," Green Steve said. "It could be the beast."

They continued forward until Green Steve halted, Sabre almost colliding into him.

"We're here!" Green Steve told him. 

Sabre shuffled to the side to see for himself, but nothing was there except for trees and thorny, bare shrubs and dust. 

"I don't see anything," Sabre said. 

"It's there," Green Steve said. "Right in front of your eyes. Why don't you step forward and get a closer look?"

Sabre nodded slowly and cautiously walked forward. He glanced around, but still, nothing blue and glowing caught his eye. 

"I'm not so sure, Green Steve." He told his friend. "I don't see it. Maybe we should turn back and go back to the valley before everyone else gets worried." 

There was silence, and it scared Sabre. Did Green Steve abandon him? He turned around to see if Green Steve was there and jumped back in surprise. Green Steve was right in front of his face, his eyes narrowed so much they appeared white. 

"You are not leaving," Green Steve said, his voice low in a deep growl. "Not alive." 

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