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Lightning crackled overhead, startling Sabre for a moment- and Entity Steve, for that matter. Forest Steve was nearby, Rainbow had said, and Sabre knew that that day was the day that the conflict would end. 


Sabre still didn't get over the shock of his vision. If he had to say it out loud, he would say that that vision was his worst one yet. If not that, then it was the one where he found out that Forest Steve was his father. 

It angered him to know that his father was evil. But the questions still nagged at him; Why didn't he remember it? What happened that made Forest Steve become like this? Why couldn't he take care of him, like a real dad? 

Maybe, he couldn't... Sabre thought. 

Forget about it! Sabre yelled harshly at himself. He's doesn't deserve my pity. He has to die; Today.

"I have to figure out how to contact the God of all Steves," Portal Steve spoke, grabbing Sabre's attention. "He needs to know what's about this."

Sabre nodded. Earlier, when the group set off once again, Sabre had to explain to everyone what his vision was about. He kept the part where Emburn mentioned he had something important to do, and the fact that the God of the Steves died, plus the fact that Rainbow Steve called him his brother. He didn't want to make it seem like he was dying, or something like that. 

I won't be dying anytime soon, Sabre promised. That thought seemed to haunt him for a moment, so he smiled inwardly about how excited Bright Steve was to hear that Emburn got her body back in his vision.

"He's on his way now, actually," Alex said. It was strange hearing her talk, taking that she rarely did after Galaxy Steve died. 

Portal Steve nodded. The group glanced up in time to see a swirl of clouds glowing blue overhead. A bolt of lightning struck the ground in front of them in an explosion of bright white light. Sabre blinked, his eyes adjusting enough to see a dark figure standing in the center of the light. Once the light faded, Sabre saw it was the God of all Steves. 

"May I help you?" he asked in his calm, old voice, his dull eyes fixed on the group. 

"Yes," Portal Steve said. "We need you to hear this." He jumped right into explaining the whole story, from Sabre's visions to their plan to stop Forest Steve.

"Hmm," the God of all Steves said thoughtfully once Portal Steve finished. "Are you sure you want to do this, Sabre?"

Sabre was surprised when the God of all Steves turned his gaze on him. Unsure of his answer for a moment, he stood tall and nodded. "I am."

The God of all Steves shook his head for a moment, his eyes duller than before. It worried Sabre for a moment. What did the God of all Steves know?

"I must speak to you alone," the God of all Steves told him. He glanced at Portal Steve, who nodded and turned to everyone else. Altogether, they left Sabre with the God of all Steves. 

The God of all Steves turned back to Sabre once the rest of the group were out of earshot. "Tell me about your visions, Sabre."

Sabre took a moment to breathe, trying to remember each and every one of his visions. "I think they're from the future," he began. 

"That's what visions are most of the time," the God of all Steves pointed out. "Go on."

"I had one about Emburn turning evil," Sabre said.

"Past," the God of all Steves interrupted for a second. "She did turn evil before."

"But that's the thing," Sabre said. "I was there, she tried to kill me."

The God of all Steve's eyes brightened, taking Sabre by surprise. "Interesting. Do go on."

"There was one where Emburn was chained to a tree," Sabre continued. "Forest Steve had Bright Steve in his grasp and..." he trailed off. 

"Killed him," the God of all Steves nodded. "I know."

Sabre looked up at him. "How?"

"I see past, present, and future," the God of all Steves told him, his gaze fixed on the cloudy sky above. 

"Which is it, then?" Sabre asked. "If Bright Steve's going to die then-"

"I'm afraid I can't tell you," the God of all Steves interrupted. "You want to prevent it, and I honour your determination. But this, can't be avoided."

Sabre looked down sadly. If Emburn did get her body back and Bright Steve was sure to be killed at the hands of Forest Steve...

She would be devastated, Sabre thought guiltily. 

"Anyways," the God of all Steves said, waiting for Sabre to continue. 

Sabre shook off his small bit of grief and returned his gaze back at the all-powerful Steve. "I also had one about Portal Steve and his conversation with Forest Steve." Sabre paused for a moment. "Is it true that Forest Steve is my dad?"

The God of all Steves took a breath inward. "Yes, sadly enough, he is. Did you hear about it in one of your visions?"

Sabre nodded. "I just didn't want to believe it."

"Understandable," the God of all Steves said. "But you mustn't let that get to your head. He must be stopped."

"I know," Sabre spoke so quietly he thought he could feel fear creep inside him. Did he fear fighting his own father? Or was it the part that Sabre had to kill him?

"Sabre," the God of all Steves said. Sabre looked up at him once more. "Have you had any recent visions? About what is yet to come?"

"I think so," Sabre told him. "About your death."

The God of all Steves nodded. "Good. I have to speak with you about something, boy. Something important. Promise me you will not let fear get in the way? That you will do whatever I say, even if it looks bad?"

Sabre froze for a moment but met the God of all Steve's gaze with his. "I promise."

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