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Sabre followed Portal Steve through the Dead Lands, the fog surrounding their feet and the trees looming over them. They had just started their journey and they were moving quite slowly, it made Sabre a bit impatient. 

"Can we hurry up a little?" He asked. "I want to make it to the Cemetary of Bones before my head is gone, as well." 

"The name of that place gives me a shiver down my spine," Portal Steve replied. "But we can't move any faster than this. Forest Steve is out there somewhere, and I guess he's looking for you."

Sabre blinked. "How'd you know?"

"Forest Steve is always looking for a way to trap human souls," Portal Steve replied. "I heard- I mean, he can't speak, so I guess the Green Steve showed me what happens to the human bodies after Forest Steve traps their souls."

"What does he do?" 

"He-" Portal Steve swallowed. "He eats them."

Sabre's heart skipped a beat for a moment. He eats human bodies? If Sabre didn't make it to the Cemetary of Bones, his soul would be trapped in the Dead Lands and his body will be digested by a Steve! 

"Exactly my point why we should hurry," Sabre said. 

Portal Steve sighed. "I don't want you to end up like her... but I suppose we could hurry, a little."

Sabre just about sagged with relief. The two walked a little faster only to halt suddenly when some creature screeched from above. It was nothing that Sabre had ever heard before, something large and unfamiliar. 

"Forest Steve," Portal Steve murmured. "He's nearby. Quick! We must hide."

"There's nowhere to hide," Sabre jumped from Forest Steve's voice. The two whipped around to see Forest Steve come out of the fog surrounding them. "Finally, the human falls right into my hands."

"Forest Steve!" Portal Steve exclaimed. 

"Well, nice to see you again, my old friend," Forest Steve said. "Where's your other friend? Oh, right, she was consumed by our conditions, wasn't she?"

Portal Steve opened his mouth to reply, but then hesitated and closed it again, his eyes clouded. 

"Cemetary of Bones, I'm guessing?" Forest Steve asked. 

"How'd you know?" Sabre asked, taking a challenging step forward. 

"I got eyes everywhere," Forest Steve replied. "Take a look for yourself."

Sabre glanced around. Forest Steve was right. A large owl was perched on a boney tree branch, it swiveled its head around to stare at him with large, pale yellow eyes. A rat scurried out of a dead shrub and blinked it's beady, bright red eyes as it watched him. When Sabre glanced up, his breath got caught in his throat as a giant black eagle flew down and screeched, its eyes glaring down at him. 

"My little pets have been watching you, Sabre," Forest Steve said. "I know what you're up to."

"Back off, Forest Steve," Portal Steve said. "You will not get Sabre, not as long as I'm here."

"What are you going to do?" Forest Steve mocked. "Create a portal to get him out of here? Oh, right. You can't, can you? In this place, no Steve can use their powers unless they belong here, like me. You're only measly ants, now."

Sabre swallowed. Forest Steve was right; if Portal Steve couldn't use his powers, they were sitting ducks!

"Run, Sabre," Portal Steve said.

"Not without you," Sabre said. "I'm only here to help Steves, not let them die!"

"Go!" Portal Steve insisted. "Before Forest Steve gets you. I'm friends to humans, I can't let another die at my feet!"

Sabre stood for a moment longer before he turned and ran. 

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