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Sabre ran swiftly under the spider, dodging multiple legs with Entity Steve following clumsily behind him. He was able to spot Alex, Blue Steve, and Galaxy Steve on the left side of the spider through its long, hairy legs. Blue Steve was carrying the injured Galaxy Steve with ease, but Sabre guessed he was tired though he ran quickly with Alex a hair in front of him. On the right side, he spotted Portal Steve leading Green Steve and Bright Steve, Rainbow Steve a short distance behind the three. 

A screech echoed above Sabre. He guessed Dust Alex had angered the spider by running in a blur up one of the spider's legs and onto its black, hairy back. He could hear the spider's angry breaths echoing his own exhaustion. 

We're tiring it out, Sabre realized, sparking a bit of hope within him. But it left in a flash when the spider reared, letting out its loudest screech yet. Its prickly feet landed on the ground, shaking it and throwing Sabre off balance slightly. He regained balance quickly and continued to run forward. He heard a startled scream and glanced over his shoulder at Entity Steve who froze in place, a spider leg blocking his path. 

"Hang on!" Sabre called to him as he skidded to a halt and came running back towards the scared Steve. Entity Steve stared up the leg in pure fear, each individual black hair of the leg reflecting in his glasses. Sabre dodged a different spider leg and grabbed Entity Steve by the arm. 

"Come on!" He said, practically out of breath. "We have to hurry before it's too late!" 

Entity Steve didn't speak, nor did he take his wide eyes off the spider's leg, but he didn't argue. Together, with Sabre grasping Entity Steve's arm, they ran under the spider. 

It wasn't long before the spider was on a rampage. It stomped its large legs against the ground, sometimes getting in the way of the two and blocking their path. Entity Steve squeaked from fear, and Sabre couldn't blame him. The spider was huge! And could swipe them up in its powerful jaws, just like it did to Galaxy Steve, only to eat them whole. Sabre gazed at Entity Steve for a moment before glancing back at the short distance they had before they made it to the nest of the spider. Then, they had to figure out how to get passed that without getting stuck in the large webs or being eaten by the spider. 

Finally, they made it. All the others were there, except for Dust Alex. 

"Where's Dust Alex?" Sabre asked, trying to catch his breath for the short moment. 

Portal Steve pointed to the spider with a finger. "She's still up there!" 

Sabre glanced up at the spider's powerful back. Sure enough, Dust Alex was still up there, and by the looks of it, she was messing around; Darting from side to side and angering the spider even more, even pulling at the short hairs on its prickly back. 

"Dust Alex!" Sabr called up to her. "Get down from there!" 

Dust Alex didn't respond, she didn't even obey. She continued to laugh and irritate the large arachnid as she pulled on more tiny black hairs. Soon, Sabre could see the spider tense and he realized Dust Alex was in huge danger. 

The spider was about to lunge, it's powerful jaws clamping together in a threatening, hungry motion. Sabre could warn her; She couldn't hear him from the low screeches coming from the spider's throat. And just like that- that spider flung around, taking Dust Alex by surprise and flinging her off only to catch her in it's jaws and swallow her whole. 

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