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Sabre stopped to catch his breath, crouching behind a fallen tree. What has he done? He left a Steve behind to die. Sabre glanced over the fallen tree. What if Forest Steve hurts Portal Steve? What if he eats him also? Questions ran through Sabre's mind. Should he go to the Cemetary of Bones and leave Portal Steve as he ordered? Or should he go back and help? Sabre huffed. He hated leaving Steves to die, he should go help. He leaped over the fallen tree only to stop and drop to a knee with a grunt. His leg had flashed with pain and it made Sabre stop dead in his tracks. Could he make it all the way back to Portal Steve in time? Sabre glanced down to stare at his hands. His bones had begun to show as the particles tore from his arms and legs. His death was near, he should just leave and get to the Cemetary of Bones. No, what was he thinking? He stood up and hurried back in Portal Steve's direction. Before long, he heard Forest Steve and Portal Steve's voice, but they were too far away to decipher. He was about to continue forward but a large, winged creature landed in his way. He yelled in surprise and fell back. Forest Steve'seagle had found him! The large bird screeched near his face, and he felt it's stinky breath on his cheeks. Sabre scrambled to find his footing, ignoring the ache in his feet. He was about to turn and run when another large eagle landed. He was surrounded! Sabre glanced from eagle to eagle before reaching down to grab a fairly large stick. He held it over his shoulder; if the eagles wouldn't let him help his friend, he would make them. He swung the stick at one eagle's face and it landed square in the side of its head. It screeched and stumbled back. Sabre swung the stick at the other eagle and hit it in the wing. It, too, cried out in pain and shook its feathers. He was about to turn and nail the first bird once again, but the eagle thought faster. It grabbed the stick in its beak and tore it out of Sabre's grip. It snapped the stick and dropped it to the ground, lifting its large talons over it to smash it. Sabre took a step back, now what was he going to do? The eagles closed in on him, their wings open enough to block his way out and their heads low with clacking beaks. They blinked their large, pale eyes at him. Sabre swallowed. Forest Steve had the upper hand, it was all over for Sabre, now. To Sabre's surprise, a wail cried out. The noise rang in Sabre's ears and he closed his hands around them, the noise was loud and painful. Even the eagles thought so. They flapped their wings and raised their hands to screech. Sabre glanced up to see a spirit swoop down towards the eagles. It passed through one's throat, causing it to choke for a moment, then passed through the other's chest. The two birds called out and took to the sky; obviously, they had enough. The spirit stopped in front of Sabre and blinked at him with pale green eyes. This spirit wore a onesie, just like Sabre's, except it was pale orange and red with pale black arms, legs, and ears with a pale white-tipped tail. Her hair was long and wavey. 

"T-thank you," Sabre stuttered. 

"Don't mess with the eagles, Sabre," the spirit said. "They pack quite a bite in their beaks."

Sabre froze, the spirit knew his name! "How'd you know my name?"

"I've been watching you," the spirit replied. 

Apparently this whole forest is, Sabre thought to himself. 

"You wish to come to the Cemetary of Bones?" the spirit asked. 

Sabre nodded. 

The spirit sighed. "Many are dying just because of this place and their rules. I can't stand people dying anymore. But, I believe the Steves and I want to protect them just as you do." she raised a hand to touch Sabre's shoulder. Before long, the pain in his arms and legs lifted. Sabre felt light and peaceful. When he looked down, he saw his hands and legs had returned, but this time, they were transparent. When he looked at the ground, he found his body laying still on the ground being eaten away by particles until all that was left was his skeleton and his bandanna. His breath got caught in his throat. 

He was dead... 

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