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"What?" Rainbow Steve gasped. "How?"

"I'm not entirely sure," Sabre told his friend. "It was in my dream tonight."

"Alright, alright," Rainbow Steve said. "Tell me about your dream. Maybe we can sort this out."

Sabre nodded. "Okay. Well, there was a figure- Forest Steve- and Portal Steve was talking to him. They started the conversation off slow, and then it got serious. Forest Steve mentioned something about Portal Steve supposing to be dead, but he was clearly alive. They said I was more powerful than them, and I'm guessing now it's probably because of my eyes."

"What about your eyes?" Rainbow Steve brought up. "Forest Steve knows nothing about you! Plus, no one had ever seen your eyes."

"That's the problem," Sabre pointed out. "If he really is my father, then he did see my eyes." 

"Oh," Rainbow Steve spoke in disappointment. "I forgot about that."

"Anyways," Sabre continued. "Forest Steve said he has the same ability I do, the ability to have visions of the future. He said he knows what's going to happen to me, and he added it'll happen to him, as well. And-" he froze for a moment. 

"What's wrong?" Rainbow Steve asked. 

"I'm an Iumi," Sabre whispered as if talking to himself. 

"A what?" Rainbow Steve questioned. "What's an Ee-oo-me?" 

"Not Eeoome," Sabre told him. "Iumi. That's the creature Emburn is."

"You mean the girl in the fox costume?" Rainbow Steve asked. "She's an Iumi?"

Sabre nodded. "Forest Steve said I was one. But if I am his son, then wouldn't that mean I'm a Steve, too?"

"I'm not entirely sure," Rainbow Steve said. "This has never happened before, in my knowledge."

"I'm so confused!" Sabre exclaimed. "If any of this is true-"

He was cut off as a terrible migraine pounded in his head. He held a hand up against his head, feeling his mind begin to slip. 

"Sabre!" Rainbow Steve's eyes grew wide in surprise. "Are you okay?"

Sabre couldn't respond, he couldn't seem to keep conscience. He instantly blacked out. 

 Sabre was walking through a wide grassy area, the rest of the group following while Bright Steve and Portal Steve led the way. Galaxy Steve was with Alex behind him and the rest of the group. He was clutching his side from the wound the spider had given him which was wrapped well with bandages from Green Steve's treatments. Something didn't feel right to Sabre, but he couldn't figure out what. As they continued to walk on, Galaxy Steve began to falter, slowing his pacing for a few moments at a time. Sabre glanced over his shoulder at him and Alex. Alex had a hand on Galaxy Steve's shoulder, a look of worry in her eyes. It was only yesterday when she broke the truth to Sabre. Not only was she worried about Galaxy Steve, but she also had a crush on him. 

Suddenly, Galaxy Steve let out a wheeze and stopped dead in his tracks, gripping his side tightly. Alex stopped next to him, both of them dropping to the ground. 

"Sabre!" Alex exclaimed, worryingly. 

Sabre, and the rest of the group, stopped. Sabre and Green Steve turned back to join Alex, kneeling next to Galaxy Steve. He was tense, his expression showing serious pain.

"Green Steve," Sabre turned to Green Steve quickly. "Can you do something? Anything?"

Green Steve gazed at Galaxy Steve, his eyes weary. Galaxy Steve was wheezing for breath, tears beginning to stream down his face. Sabre's insides squeezed with fear. What was happening to him? Green Steve turned his gaze towards Sabre, grief in his eyes with a small shake of his head.  

"No," Sabre spoke quietly, shocked. Green Steve couldn't do anything to help Galaxy Steve. He forced himself to gaze down at his pained friend, only to watch him take one last breath. 

Sabre woke with a gasp. He was laying on the ground, Rainbow Steve, Green Steve, and all the others- except for Galaxy Steve and Alex- were kneeling over him. 

"Sabre," Rainbow Steve spoke first. "Are you okay?"

Sabre sat up, unable to speak for a moment. He took a shaky breath before speaking. 

"The spider," Sabre said. "It poisoned Galaxy Steve."

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