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Sabre stopped to rest. The Dead Lands was a lot longer than he expected them to be. It's been two days now and Sabre's legs were being disintegrated. It was hard to walk, even though his legs functioned as if they were still there he couldn't tell where he was stepping. He was sure Forest Steve would find him by now. A raven called out, startling Sabre for a moment. The forest had been hard to sleep in, especially with Forest Steve roaming around somewhere. Sabre didn't know how much longer he'll last. Perhaps he should keep going, even during the night. He continued forward after a moment only to come face to face with a Steve. He jumped back by surprise.

"Hello," the Steve said with a friendly smile. 

Sabre said nothing. The Steve had pale green hair with white and violet tips. His eyes were a bright aqua blue and he wore pale green clothes. Sabre knew he never saw this Steve before, but he couldn't take any chances. Forest Steve had the ability to morph into other Steves; how could he be sure he didn't do the same for this Steve?

"You lost?" the Steve asked.

Sabre nodded. "I'm going somewhere."

"Good to know I'm not the only one," the Steve said. Then the friendliness vanished and was replaced by fear and uneasiness. "Y-you're human!"

"Yes, I am," Sabre admitted. "I'm going to the Cemetary of Bones."

"Oh no," the Steve said. "No, no, no! You do not want to go there. The spirits that haunt that place will snatch your spirit before you can say 'Peanutbutter Pickles and Cherry Potato Chips'."

"Wait, what?" Sabre blinked. This Steve was a lot like Galaxy Steve. 

"Point is," the Steve said. "It's dangerous. At least, for a Steve, of course. I could take you there. I just barely escaped that place!"

"Please do," Sabre said. "I'm worried my friends will find me before I die."

"Oh," the Steve muttered. "My friend died at my feet."

"Oh, no," Sabre said. "I'm so sorry."

"It's fine," the Steve said. "She's been dead for a week now. My name's Portal Steve, what's yours?"

"Sabre," Sabre replied. "Nice to meet you."

"You know," Portal Steve said. "You aren't as bad as I thought you would be. Now, come on. Follow me. I'll show you to the Cemetary of Bones."

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