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The friends were off in no time, continuing their journey to find the rest of Portal Steve's friend-group. Sabre didn't realize how easy it was to persuade Green Steve to join them until 5 minutes ago after they left. 

"We need your help," Portal Steve had told Green Steve. "Emburn is in danger, along with Sabre, here, and the other spirits of the Cemetary of Bones. We need you to come with us and find the others so we can help her before Forest Steve comes to kill them!"

Green Steve's gaze had turned sharp and determined and he motioned with his hands in his sign-language. Portal Steve turned to Sabre. "He's in. See? I'm good at this sort of thing." 

Sabre smiled to himself. Hopefully, the others would be this easy to persuade, just like Green Steve was. 

"Who are we off to find next?" Blue Steve asked Portal Steve. 

Portal Steve shrugged. "I suppose we should find Entity Steve and Bright Steve first before finding Blue Alex and Dust Alex. Dust Alex is more likely to show up as we go and Blue Alex is harder to persuade."

Rainbow Steve nodded. "And how are they going to help? They must be really important if you say they are the ones who can help."

"Well," Portal Steve chuckled in embarrassment. "We all don't exactly have our powers anymore..."

"What?" Galaxy Steve questioned in dismay. "So, all we are doing is waisting our seriously important time searching for people who can't use there powers?"

"No, no, no!" Portal Steve waved his hands. "You don't get it! It doesn't matter if we have powers or not to be important. Friendship is the most important thing out there, and friends help out friends. We'll save Sabre, Emburn and the others using friendship."

Galaxy huffed. "I guess that'll do."

"I agree," Rainbow Steve said. "We'll help Sabre out either way, and since Portal Steve is our friend we should help him and his friends."

Alex nodded and Blue Steve smiled. The group continued forward for a long time. It had begun to rain and the sun was beginning to set. Sabre wiped raindrops from the tips of his hair as the group trekked on. He knew they should keep going, but he was beginning to get tired and he was sure the others were, too. Thunder exploded overhead with a flash of light followed by a yelp of surprise. Portal Steve paused and motioned for the others to stop.

"Did you hear that?" Portal Steve asked. 

"That squeak?" Blue Steve asked. "Yeah, I did."

"Come on!" Portal Steve ran off into the forest beside them. Sabre sighed and followed with the others close behind him. Portal Steve stopped a few times to look around as if identifying the exact position where the scream came from. Before long, Portal Steve stopped in front of a small cabin with a roof of moss and flowers. The windows were shut tight and locked while the door was locked with thin chains and around three locks. Portal Steve went straight up to the door.

"Wait," Rainbow Steve spoke up. "Are we sure this is a good idea?"

Portal Steve didn't reply. Instead, he knocked on the door. "Hello? I thought I heard a scream and came to check if everything's okay."

"Eep!" A voice squeaked from inside. "Y-yes, everything's fine. I-i-it's just the- Wait. Portal Steve?"

Portal Steve blinked. Sabre glanced between the door and Portal Steve, it seemed as if the one inside the cabin knew Portal Steve somehow. Soon enough, the door was unlocked and it slowly opened, revealing a shaky Steve. 

"Entity Steve?" Portal Steve blinked a few more times. "Is that you?"

The door opened more and the shaky Steve then came into view. His face was dotted in fruckles and bright red glasses covered his eyes. Half his hair was white while the other half was bright red. He wore a white shirt covered with a bright red vest with ripped blue jeans. 

"We found you!" Portal Steve threw his hands in the air. "I knew we would."

"What's going on?" the new Steve- Entity Steve- asked. "Is something wrong, Portal Steve?"

"Yes, something is wrong!" Portal Steve replied. "Emburn, Sabre, Carodu, Sally and Cala are in danger!"

"W-what?" Entity Steve stammered, his eyes wide. "T-t-that's n-not good. What d-do we have to do?"

"We need your help," Portal Steve told him. "We're trying find the others. We found Green Steve and Sabre and his friends. Now we found you and we came to ask if you would join us in this rescue mission?"

Sabre held his breath, praying Entity Steve would listen and agree. 

"I-" Entity Steve's voice was squeaky. "I guess I could. Emburn is our friend, after all. When do we leave?"

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