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"Holy-" Galaxy Steve exclaimed in pure horror. "That's a huge spider!"

Bright Steve tried to quiet him, but the large, hairy black spider spotted them and let out a bone-chilling screech of anger. Sabre was frozen in place from the sight of the arachnid. It was half the size of the trees around them, and the trees were quite tall- and covered in giant cobwebs. Animals after animals were stuck in the sticky webs. Harpy eagles, jaguars, okapis, tigers, even a huge gorilla, and elephant. Fleshy bones littered the rainforest floor, some of which were broken and dented.

The group had been walking for a while and Bright Steve had turned to them saying they had to be quiet; They had entered the spider's nest. Though, Sabre never expected the spider to be so big!

The black-haired spider snapped it's jaws as he pounded toward them, all eight legs carrying it's huge body above the bone-covered ground. Entity Steve screamed as it loomed over the group, throwing its head from side to side. Sabre jumped out of the way before one of the spider's legs could smash him, landing on his side. Rainbow Steve helped him to his feet as the spider turned to face them, it's eight red beady eyes filled with rage and hunger.

"Why is it trying to kill us?" Galaxy Steve yelled to Bright Steve.

"We're in its territory," Bright Steve told him, dodging a hairy leg.

"Then why are we going this way?" Galaxy Steve challenged.

"It's the only way out of here," Bright Steve said. "Now, stop asking silly questions. We have to get around it and through its nest. That's where we make our escape."

Now one else argued. As the large spider swung its head at the group, the friends dodged and tried to make their way around it. Yet, the spider was too fast, and their path was blocked in an instant. Sabre jumped back to dodge the arachnid's snapping jaws, only to be knocked out of the way by a hairy leg. He rolled shoulder over shoulder, his side stinging from the impact. He was able to glance up in time to see Galaxy Steve make a run for it, ducking low from the spider's evil jaws and under its body. Hope sparked inside him, perhaps Galaxy Steve would make it. Galaxy Steve made it behind the spider, but, just like that, the spider whipped around to face him and swung it's head and grasping Galaxy Steve in its tight jaws. He struggled to free himself, but the spider threw it's head to the side, flinging Galaxy Steve outward. He hit the trunk of one of the tall trees and rolled to the ground, blood spilling from a deep wound in his side.

"Galaxy Steve!" Alex exclaimed in shock, startling Sabre for a moment. Alex was usually quiet, he knew. Alex rushed to Galaxy Steve's side, helping him sit up against the tree, and he didn't let out a groan.

He's dazed, Sabre realized. When the shock wears off, Galaxy Steve would more likely be in quite a lot of pain.

Rainbow Steve stood at Sabre's side, gazing fearfully up at him.

"What are we going to do?" he asked.

Sabre couldn't respond. He didn't know what they were going to do! The spider was too big to go around, and far too fast to go anywhere else.

Unless... "We have to work together," Sabre told Rainbow Steve. "We can each go around it and under it. It could confuse it, and it can't get all of us."

Rainbow Steve nodded. "I'll spread the word." He quickly hurried off to talk to Bright Steve, Portal Steve, and Green Steve before turning to Entity Steve, Dust Alex, and Blue Steve. Sabre hoped this plan would work. If not, they would all be in grave danger.

Portal Steve, Bright Steve, Green Steve, Blue Steve, Entity Steve, and Dust Alex each came up to Sabre.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Blue Steve asked.

"I'm sure," Sabre said, though he couldn't help but feel a twinge of doubt. He glanced at Galaxy Steve and Alex, who Rainbow Steve was speaking to. Poor Galaxy Steve was injured badly, and if he takes another blow like that- Sabre didn't want to think about what might happen to him.

"But what about Galaxy Steve?" Blue Steve questioned.

"We'll have someone carry him," Sabre replied straight away.

Blue Steve nodded. "I'll do it."

"Alright," Sabre said, turning to him. When Alex stood to join them, Rainbow Steve keeping Galaxy Steve company, for the moment, Sabre glanced at the spider, who was gazing around as if trying to find the group. "Here's the plan: Alex, you'll go with Blue Steve and Galaxy Steve and run to the left side of the spider. I don't want to risk Galaxy Steve getting injured again."

Alex nodded.

"Portal Steve," Sabre turned to Portal Steve. "You'll go with Green Steve, Rainbow Steve, and Bright Steve and run to the right side of the spider."

"I'll do that," Portal Steve responded.

"Entity Steve," Sabre turned to Entity Steve, who flinched slightly. "You'll go with me under the spider."

Entity Steve swallowed, but nodded slowly.

"Dust Alex," Sabre turned to Dust Alex. "How fast are you?"

"You dare ask me how fast I am?" Dust Alex challenged. She laughed. "I'm faster than fast!"

Sabre nodded. "Good. I need you to find a way to run over the spider. With all of us running in different directions, this could distract to the point it'll give up."

"Cool!" Dust Alex exclaimed. "I've always wanted to run over a giant, incredibly dangerous, life-sucking, animal-devouring spider before! Actually, no, I haven't, but this'll be fun!"

"Alright," Sabre continued. "Let's give it a try!" 

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