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Sabre gazed around the area, searching for his friends. The gang had decided to play a bit of Hide and Seek before going to their houses to sleep for the night. And, of course, they wanted to have StarLord play, as well. 

It had been only a few days since they found StarLord in the cave which left Sabre with four days before he had to return to the Cemetary of Bones. The sun was just setting, making the tops of the nearby trees darken and the sky glowed a golden pink with a hint of aqua blue. The clouds were rimmed with silver and pink with a hint of gold covered with white. Sabre made his way up a tree to get a better look around. He remembered what it was like before he died when they played Hide and Seek. He didn't even know he was going to die until it was too late. He gave a glance around before sliding down the tree's trunk and went into the forest beside him. It's been five minutes or so and he didn't find anyone! The leaves of a bush soon rustled, startling Sabre for a second. He went over to check it out and parted the thick branches. 

"Got you, Galaxy Steve!" he exclaimed with a smile. 

"Aw, man," Galaxy Steve shifted to look at him. "You did."

Sabre stepped back to give Galaxy Steve room to climb out of the bush. He brushed off his pants and pulled a twig free from his hair. He gave a small chuckle. 

"It was hard to hold still in there," he told Sabre, flicking the twig to the ground. "The branches kept poking me."

Sabre laughed. "And it's a bit small. Lay off the sandwiches, Galaxy Steve, then you could've fit."

Galaxy Steve laughed. Before long, the two set off to search for the others. Sabre glanced at every possible place for one of his friends to be hiding in. He was hoping they wouldn't find StarLord. Galaxy Steve went over to search behind a few boulders. 

"Found you, StarLord!" he said and Sabre's stomach dropped with unease and disappointment. 

"You got me, cuz," StarLord said, standing from behind the large stones. 

Sabre rolled his eyes. I doubt he is Galaxy Steve's cousin. He left the two to joke around and went to find the others. He gazed at the sky that was beginning to fade into dark cobalt then black. What if he was wrong? No, he couldn't trust StarLord, not until he has enough information about him. But what about that whole life story he told back in the cave, Sabre asked himself. All lies, he answered himself. Stuff he made up to make us believe him. 

Moments passed and Sabre soon found Alex and Blue Steve. All that was left was finding Rainbow Steve. The land around the group of friends was so dark it was hard to see, making it more difficult for Sabre to find his colorful friend. He glanced questionably at the others. They stared back at him with confused looks. Only StarLord looked bright and happy, and he pointed to one particular tree; a very tall one. When Sabre turned to look at it, the leaves shifted and Rainbow Steve tumbled with a yell of surprise before hitting the ground. He laid there for a few seconds in shock before sitting up with a groan. Sabre ran over to him with the others following behind. 

"Are you okay, Rainbow Steve?" Sabre asked his friend. 

Rainbow Steve glanced up at him with a smile and laughed. "I'm okay! I barely even made it halfway up that thing before coming down."

Sabre smiled back, thankful he was alright. 

"Are we going to play another round?" StarLord asked. "Can we stay up?"

"I'm ready for bed," Alex said. "I'm heading home."

"Me, too." Blue Steve spoke before letting out a yawn. 

"I think we're all tired," Galaxy Steve told him. "Why don't you come stay at my place? I got lots of room in there."

"Sure!" StarLord said, happily. 

Stay at his house? Alone?  Sabre couldn't bring himself to agree to that.

"I have a better idea," he said. "Let's all do a sleepover. We can all hang out somewhere for the night."

"Yeah!" StarLord exclaimed. "Let's do that. Sounds like fun!"

Sabre frowned for a few moments before waving for everyone to follow. He led the way towards the houses with folded arms. He couldn't bring himself to believe both sides of his thoughts; should he be happy and joyful like the others and accept StarLord as a friend, or not? 

"Sabre, are you okay?" Rainbow Steve asked. 

Sabre jolted from his thoughts back to reality. Rainbow Steve was walking beside him. 

"Yeah," Sabre replied quickly. "I-I'm okay."

"You sure don't seem like it," Rainbow Steve told him. "Is it about StarLord?" 

Sabre glanced at his friend, surprised. "How'd you know?"

"I'm a little suspicious about him, too," Rainbow Steve replied. "But I'm trying to be nice, either way. You should, too. I'm sure StarLord needs friends, after all."

Sabre thought about what Rainbow Steve said during the rest of the way home. The friends decided to stay at Sabre's house for the night, and when the broke apart to go grab their things, Sabre set up his front room and sat on the couch. Perhaps Rainbow Steve was right, maybe StarLord could be trusted. 

Or was he? (Just realized this part said 'way he' instead of 'was he' oops)

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