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The sky was bright overhead as the sun bore down on the traveling group of friends. Green Steve led the way while Blue Steve and Rainbow Steve walked on either side of Sabre, Galaxy Steve and Alex in the rear. Blue Steve and Rainbow Steve insisted on helping Sabre, just in case he loses his legs on his way there. Sabre ran his hand through his hair, he didn't expect the journey to be so tiring. 

"Do you need a break?" Blue Steve asked. 

"No," Sabre replied. "I can keep going." 

"You sure?" Rainbow Steve spoke. "You look like you're going to pass out."

"I'm fine," Sabre insisted. "I need to keep going." Sabre knew he had to take a break eventually, but his life was on the line and he had to find this God of the Steves. Green Steve glanced over his shoulder and peered at Sabre. He came to a halt and turned to the others. 

"Let's take a quick break," He said. 

Sabre tried not to show how relieved he was to finally stop. As much as he wanted to stop, he wanted to keep going and ignore his exhaustion. But a Green Steve always knows what is best for others and Sabre was thankful for that. Sabre headed for the shade under a nearby oak tree and sat down. Rainbow Steve and Blue Steve came to join him. The shade felt good as it blocked out the bright sun. Sabre wiped the sweat off his head as he leaned against the tree's trunk. The day was hotter than Sabre expected, it felt like his skin was burning and his blood was boiling to the point he thought he would melt. 

"Hot?" Blue Steve asked. 

Sabre nodded. "A little." He was beginning to get drowsy. 

"You can have my water bottle if you want." Rainbow Steve offered. 

"I'm fine," Sabre said. "I got my own." He reached into his bag and pulled out a water bottle. Uncapping the lid, he took a drink. He knew his friends were nice and willing to help when they need to, but was this a bit much? 

Green Steve soon joined the three. "You alright to leave soon, Sabre? We should be getting a move on if we're likely to find the God of the Steves."

"We can leave at any time," Sabre said.

"You sure?" Rainbow Steve asked. 

"I'm sure." Sabre glanced at him. "I can take it."  

Rainbow Steve sighed and shook his head. "Sometimes I think you can be a bit much, Sabre." 

Sabre snorted in amusement. "A little much?"

*   *   *

Night was falling across the forest floor, leaving the shadows and light to fade and replace it with cold darkness. The stars danced as the moon glimmered down on the friends. Sabre wondered whether he would see tomorrow or the next day. With the Steves' air now in his veins, it was like he could die at any moment. Sabre sucked in a slow, calming breath and stared at the sky. Even the sky had the ability to go on and on without stopping; would Sabre ever have that ability again? 

"How are you doing, Sabre?" Sabre flashed back to reality from Green Steve's voice. 

"I'll live," Sabre replied. 

Green Steve nodded. "We'll be stopping to get rest soon."

"Alright," Sabre said. 

"We should rest now." Rainbow Steve pointed out. 

"No, that won't be necessary." Green Steve told him. "We need to get as far to wherever the God of the Steves are before Sabre fades away completely." 

Rainbow Steve seemed to stop for a moment before continuing to follow Green Steve. Sabre hid a worried swallow. Was he really going to fade away completely if they didn't find the God of the Steves? They would need to hurry if he were going to become his normal self again.

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