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"The Dead Lands?" Alex asked. "That place is forbidden, even to Steves who die villains."

Forest Steve shrugged. "Sabre's a human, and he's killed many Steves just to protect himself. He deserves to be there."

Rainbow Steve held out an arm to shield Sabre. "He didn't do anything to harm them. It was their choice to be evil. Life is full of choices."

"And Sabre has made plenty of choices." Forest Steve pointed out. "He will face the consequences. Or, maybe he already is."

Sabre looked away. It was true, he chose to stay in the Steves' world and now he was being eaten alive by the Steves' conditions. "Forest Steve is right..."

"Don't listen to him, Sabre." Blue Steve said. "We're going to save you no matter what others say."

Sabre closed his eyes, he hoped Blue Steve was right. If not, Sabre would die. 

"You will not touch the young one," the God of the Steves said, stepping forward. Sabre opened his eyes and faced him, surprised. "Yes, he made his choice, but that doesn't mean you should break the code."

"I am doing no such thing!" Forest Steve insisted. "I am simply protecting the Steves' kind and the generations to come. You, on the other hand, are endangering them."

The God of the Steves stood tall with narrowed eyes. "Forest Steve, I banish you from the valley and your job as protector of the Green Steves' tribes."

Forest Steve said nothing. He stood there with his eyes staring in surprise and shock back at them. After a moment of silence, he huffed. 

"Fine," he said. "But you are making a huge mistake. Sabre will be gone of our land even if it means breaking the code." With that, he turned and climbed up the cliffside towards the dead forest, leaving the group to stand quietly by the lake's shore. 

"Well, now what?" Galaxy Steve asked, turning to look at the God of the Steves. 

The God of the Steves sighed, his eyes clouded and dull. "We will care for Sabre, until his time has come."

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