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Sabre went to his friends unusual meeting spot. It was the next morning and he decided to see his friends again. It's been half a day and whole night since he seen his friends, his friends could be worried. No matter how much he hated lying, Sabre couldn't let his friends know what was happening to him- whatever that was. He had to stay away from anything that could show his reflection and he had to make sure to watch what he was saying, just in case he gave away anything that told what was wrong with him. Sabre waited for his friends, he wasn't hungry that morning and he was able to make it here early. After a long moment, he spotted his friends coming in his direction. 

"Sabre!" Rainbow Steve wrapped his arms around Sabre's neck and gave him a tight hug. "You're okay!"

"Yeah," Sabre was able to say. "I'm fine. I told you yesterday"

Rainbow Steve stepped back. "We were worried. You sure everything's okay?"

"Totally," Sabre said. "Yes, I'm okay. I've never felt better." Actually, Sabre was scared. He wasn't sure what was wrong with him, and he was scared of what would happen if his friends found out. 

Galaxy Steve, Alex and Blue Steve had all made it over to the two. They also seemed a little concerned about Sabre. 

"Where were you?" Galaxy Steve asked him.

"Sleeping." Sabre replied. "I was tired, remember?"

"Oh, yeah, okay." Galaxy Steve smiled. "That makes since."

"Well, good to know you're all rested up for more games." Blue Steve said. "What do you guys want to play?"

It was silent as everyone thought for a few moments. Sabre glanced at his friends, did they think something was up with him. No, certainly not. Rainbow Steve was glad Sabre was here with them, Galaxy Steve understood him, and Blue Steve was glad Sabre could join back in the games they played everyday. Sabre just hoped they didn't figure out his secret. 

"How about tag?" Alex spoke, pulling Sabre from his thoughts. 

"Sure." Rainbow Steve said with a smile. 

"Sounds like fun." Blue Steve said.

"I'll win this time!" Galaxy Steve exclaimed, excitedly. 

It fell quiet as Sabre's friends turned their eyes toward him. He just about cringed from the looks they gave him, but he stopped himself before he could. 

"Okay," Sabre said, trying to sound as enthusiastic as he could. "We could do that."

Blue Steve looked uncertain about Sabre's reply, but shrugged. "Who's first?"

Galaxy Steve jabbed Blue Steve in the shoulder. "Tag!"

Blue Steve laughed and took off after Rainbow Steve. The group of friends broke apart to avoid being tagged by Blue Steve. Sabre soon forgot his worries as he got chased. He laughed and then Blue Steve jabbed him in the shoulder. Sabre's back burst with pain and he had to stop and clutch it. 

"Are you okay?" Blue Steve stopped running.

"Yeah," Sabre said quickly. "You just tagged me a little hard."

"I barely touched you." Blue Steve pointed out.

"I-" Sabre's brain rushed to find the words to persuade Blue Steve he was alright. "I'm just a little sore. I slept through the rest of the day, yesterday, including last night."

Blue Steve frowned. "That's an awfully long time to sleep." 

Sabre held his breath, he just realized what he said. He got too caught up in playing tag with his friends he forgot to watch what he was saying. Hopefully Blue Steve didn't catch on. 

"But, humans are different from Steves." Blue Steve chuckled. "What do I know? Humans probably sleep a lot longer than Steves." Sabre let out his breath when Blue Steve ran off. That was close, a bit too close. Sabre had better be more careful, or his friends would find out Sabre's secret. He swallowed, what would happen when his friends o find out this secret of Sabre's?

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