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Holy Balonie, 9.8K views?! I feel so popular, and no, I did not expect it to feel as exciting as this. 

Thank you all so much for this! Back in school, no one pays much attention to me. Not even my teachers, which is quite funny when they realize I'm there. I'm real quiet, most of the time, so this is a big deal for me. Thank you all so very much! 

*gives air-hug*

And just for an announcement, I would like you all to check out my cousin's (cousin+twin) account, Catplaysandwrites. She too writes great stories, such as When the End Comes and Blue Steve's World. So please go check her out, please and thank you. 

I hope Dead Inside is going okay for you. I feel like I'm just rambling on and on, and I might've changed what happens next... I hope you enjoy the change! Let me know how it's going for you in the comments below. Don't be afraid and be honest, I won't mind what you say about it. 

Again, thanks for 9.8K Views!!

Have a great rest of your day!

-Emburn ❤

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