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Sabre quietly snuck out of the sleeping-cave, trying not to disturb the others. It has been a day since the conversation with Alex, and yesterday he got away with answers. 

"Is there a specific place where humans are after they die?" Sabre had asked. 

The God of the Steves nodded in reply. "It's across the Dead Lands to the Cemetary of Bones."

"Just out of curiosity," Sabre asked. "How-"

The God of the Steves held a hand up to stop him. "They turn to bone, the rest turn to bright green particles in which surround the bones. We don't bury them, we leave them be."

"I thought you didn't like humans," Sabre pointed out. 

"We don't want to anger the spirits."

Sabre heaved himself over the cliff's edge and laid there for a moment to catch his breath. It was a lot harder when he didn't have hands, but he still made it and he will make it to the Cemetary of Bones. He stood up to look over at the valley. It was brightening as the sun began to rise. Sabre would have to leave quickly before his friends wake. He went down the slope towards the Dead Lands. He had to be careful, this was where Forest Steve lived and he wants to kill Sabre and trap his soul with the other humans he caught. Sabre swallowed, he was going in.

*   *   *

Sabre gasped for breath as he laid on the ground. Forest Steve was coming to get him, he knew it, but Sabre was too exhausted to keep running. Forest Steve was already able to trap half of Sabre's spirit in the Dead Lands with the other humans he caught. 

"There's nowhere left to run," Forest Steve said as he stood over Sabre.

Sabre held his breath as Forest Steve reached down to grab Sabre's head. He yelled in pain as he felt the rest of his spirit be pulled away from his body.

Sabre gasped and sat up so quickly he knocked his head onto the tree above him. That night he had decided to sleep in one of the old, hollow trees. The nightmare he had was stuck in his head and his arms ached as if reacting to his mind. He's only been in the Dead Lands for a few days now and each night he kept dreaming of his spirit being pulled from his body and being tortured in the Dead Lands by the other spirits there. His heart still pounded hard in his chest, he thought it would burst at any moment. He glanced out the small hole in the tree's side. The forest was quiet except for the spine-chilling breeze that made the branches of the trees groan and creak. He sighed quietly, Forest Steve was nowhere to be seen; he was safe, for now. He hoped he wouldn't run into him, and that he was close to the end of the Dead Lands. He hoped he would find his resting place.

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