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I may cry writing this...

But I feel terrible that I haven't been updating lately...

School is stressing right now, I'm doing the hardest unite in science right now. Math is beginning to get complicated. We're doing the hardest unite in Language Arts. Social Studies is being a huge pain with all the notes we're doing. Art is also getting complicated. I'm starting to get lots of homework, and I'm not allowed to do my Chromebook on school nights. 

I really REALLY want to keep working on this story, a ton, but I just can't find any time to work on one chapter. 

Please forgive me, this has been hard to say. I hope you understand. But I promise I will find a time to work more on this book. Mostly on weekends. But not this Friday, I'm going to a store with my friends after school.

Anyways, I hope I can make it up to you guys.

Have a great rest of your day!

-Emburn ❤

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