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Theme Song has been chosen!!! Hope you enjoy it! :3 -Emburn❤

Sabre blinked. "You're the God of the Steves?"

The man said nothing but dipped his head respectfully. Rainbow Steve stood beside Sabre and gazed up at the powerful Steve. 

"Thank goodness," he said. "We need your help."

The God of the Steves just stared blankly back at him, his eyes dull once again. 


"Dying, I know." the God of the Steves stopped him, suddenly back to reality. "And you want me to help him, to heal him."

"Yes," Blue Steve said. "How did you know?"

"I see all," the God of the Steves' gaze fell on the sky. "I know all." his eyes dulled as he stared at the passing clouds that rushed by until night fell. "I'll show you all." He raised a hand to the sky and Galaxy Steve's eyes began to dull just as his did. 

"Galaxy Steve?" Alex turned to look at him. "What's happening?" 

Before long, the stars flashed and ran through the sky, creating long white strikes in the blue and black sky. The sun passed and the moon chased after it, the clouds slowly disappearing as if they were nothing but smoke. Sabre watched as the days and nights flew past them before their eyes. The ground disappeared beneath their feet and they began to stand on nothing but air. The God of the Steves' eyes brightened and he gazed down at the group, Galaxy Steve's eyes still dull. 

"I will show you what I have seen throughout my years." He waved his hand above his head at the sky and the sky turned white. It blinded Sabre for a moment before his eyes adjusted and the light dimmed so everyone else could see. Galaxy Steve was still standing still with dull eyes, he looked as if he was in another world at the moment. Sabre turned back to see Galaxy Steve standing a distance in front of the group. Sabre was startled at first to find two of the same friend, one bright-eyed and happy the other distant and depressed looking. The second Galaxy Steve was working with a machine, trying to place redstone in different places. Sabre titled his head; Was he building a machine to summon a Steve? Galaxy Steve then stepped back to admire his work and flicked a lever. Lightning crackled then it stopped. Galaxy Steve furrowed his brows in confusion and peered at the machine from different angles. 

"What was that?" some female asked, stepping into the room. 

"Oh, hi, End Alex!" Galaxy Steve waved a hand to the female. "I was just creating a machine."

"Trying to summon a son again, aren't you?" the female, End Alex, said. Galaxy Steve nodded. 

"It's hard work," he told her. "I just can't seem to get it right."

"I'll help," End Alex said. "What kind of son are you looking for?"

"I don't know." Galaxy Steve replied. "Something like- us."

"Well, then, what is End and Galaxy put together?" End Alex asked. 

There was silence as the two thought for a moment. Finally, End Alex spoke. 

"Why not an Elemental Steve?" she told Galaxy Steve. "It'll work."

"Great idea, End Alex!" Galaxy Steve exclaimed. "Now I see how I fell in love with you." 

A white light flashed before Sabre's eyes and then the figures disappeared. When the light dimmed, Sabre found themselves standing back on the steep, narrow pathway on the cliffside. Galaxy Steve blinked, his eyes glowing brightly once again.

"What happened?" he asked, looking at each friend around him. 

"I showed you Galaxy Steve's past," the God of the Steves said so quietly Galaxy Steve couldn't hear. "I showed him some other things."

"Why didn't you show him the vision, too?" Alex asked, finally speaking after a while. 

The God of the Steves' eyes dimmed once more before brightening again. When he spoke, his voice was low and desperate. "We mustn't let him know. It's not his time yet. All will be revealed soon."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Blue Steve asked, wearily. 

The God of the Steves stood tall before the group as he gazed down at them with his blinding bright eyes. "All we be revealed in time." He turned toward the edge of the path and raised his hand. The jagged stones below shifted and rose. Sabre took a cautious step back from the edge as the stones aligned with one another, creating another path down to the valley. "This path is too dangerous, you must come this way." 

The God of the Steves led the way down it until the group stood before the endless-looking lake. 

"So, can you help Sabre?" Rainbow Steve asked. "He's our best friend. We can't afford to lose him." 

The God of the Steves stood silent, his back turned to the group as he gazed across the lake's waves. Before long, he glanced over his shoulder to stare at Rainbow Steve. 

"Rainbow Steve, I'm afraid that is too much. I cannot heal, Sabre, no matter the cost." 

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