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It has been two days since the walk with Rainbow Steve. Sabre has begun to grow weaker with each passing hour and his arm up to his elbow was completely disintegrated; and it still is breaking into particles. He was now laying in his sleeping bag. He had taken a long nap and wasn't ready to wake up. He knew his friends would be checking in with him soon and he wanted to be asleep when that happened. He kept his eyes closed, waiting for them to open his tent entrance. Soon enough, he heard it zip open and that was the only thing he heard before he slipt into sleep again. 

Sabre jolted awake with a flash of pain in his arm. He grunted and grasped its end. 

"Sabre!" that was Rainbow Steve. "You okay?"

Sabre opened his eyes. He was still in his sleeping bag and a Green Steve was leaning over him. 

"I was just checking your arm." Green Steve told him. "That doesn't look good, at all."

"I got that," Sabre said. "Did Alex come back with you?"

"She did." Galaxy Steve said. "But then she went off again. Something about needing more firewood for tonight."

"So, is Sabre going to be okay?" Rainbow Steve asked Green Steve. "Is there something you can do?"

"Nothing at the moment." Green Steve replied. "I'll have to keep an eye on him for a while. Tomorrow, hopefully, I will know what to do. Now, everyone out. He needs his space."

Rainbow Steve hesitated for a moment before following everyone else out of the tent. Green Steve sat down next to Sabre and pulled out a clipboard, paper and pen. 

"I'm going to ask you some questions," he told Sabre. "It'll help me decide what is best for you. Can you do that?"

Sabre nodded. 

"How does your arm feel?" 

"It-" Sabre glanced at his arm. "It kind of hurts."

"On a scale of 1 to 10, how much does it hurt?" Green Steve asked. 

Sabre thought for a moment, hesitating. Should he lie? No, this is hopefully going to save his life. "About an 8." 

"Hmm," Green Steve wrote on the paper with his pen. "I'll check in with you in the morning. Get some rest."

Green Steve left the tent. Sabre laid back down in his sleeping bag. He hoped this would help him. He wanted to live, to have fun with his friends, without dying. He closed his eyes and had sleep wash over him.

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