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"Poisoned?" Portal Steve questioned, dismay in his voice. "But, how?"

"Like I said," Sabre replied. "The spider poisoned him. We- we have to save him before he dies tomorrow!" 

"Woah, woah, woah," Rainbow Steve softly grasped his shoulder. "Slow down. We still don't know if this is true or not."

"I told you, Rainbow Steve," Sabre turned to his friend. "Tell me you didn't forget it already?" 

"No, I remember," Rainbow Steve told him. "But, what if it's just- a fever? Or- or maybe Forest Steve did something to you."

"R-Rainbow Steve," Sabre stammered slightly, surprised. "You can't be saying you don't believe me."

"It's not that," Rainbow Steve said. "It's just- I'm worried for you, is all." 

"We all are," Portal Steve spoke up. "What are you talking about, Sabre?" 

"Galaxy Steve is poisoned!" Sabre exclaimed. "Please, we have to do something! Believe me!" 

Portal Steve glanced at Green Steve, a worried expression across his face. Green Steve motioned his hands in his sign-language and Portal Steve turned to Bright Steve and Entity Steve, Dust Alex standing behind them with a confused expression. Rainbow Steve turned to Blue Steve and Blue Steve shrugged in reply. Confusion nagged at Sabre as he turned his gaze from friend to friend. 

"What?" Sabre asked. Were his friends planning something that he didn't know of? Or was it that didn't believe him?

"Sabre," Portal Steve said. "We- we'll help you. It's just that, what if you're wrong?" 

"I won't be," Sabre quickly promised, though he then realized what he had said. He hoped he wouldn't regret it. 

Rainbow Steve helped Sabre to his feet and the others stood up to head to where Galaxy Steve slept. Galaxy Steve was wide awake Alex was sitting next to him, an unreadable expression across her face. Galaxy Steve winced slightly, causing Alex to react by turning her worried gaze to him, but relaxed when Galaxy Steve gazed at her with a small smile. 

"Hate to interrupt," Portal Steve said, drawing their attention. "But, we think there may be a little problem." Green Steve jabbed him with an elbow. "Ow! Okay, okay. A big problem." He corrected himself quickly. 

"What problem?" Alex asked. 

"It's-" Portal Steve glanced at Sabre. "About Galaxy Steve."

"What about me?" Galaxy Steve questioned. "Is it about the sandwiches? Darn! I knew I shouldn't have eaten so many." He lowered his voice as if he were talking to himself. "Listen to yourself, next time, Galaxy Steve; You knew they would notice, eventually." 

Alex smiled at him, amusement in her green gaze. Dust Alex leaned in to whisper to Entity Steve, yet it was loud enough so Sabre could hear. 

"What was the word for these sorts of moments that Emburn mentioned to us before?" she asked, causing Entity Steve to jump slightly with a short, simple squeak. "Something about boats, right?"

"Uh-" Entity Steve stammered a bit before he could fully speak. "A- a ship, I think." 

"Why would you call happy- yet very cheesy- moments such as these 'ships'?" Dust Alex asked. "They have nothing to do with boats! Who came up with something as stupid as that?" She shook her head. "I need to understand all this." 

In the corner of his gaze, Sabre noticed a small smile creep onto Entity Steve's face. He wanted to turn and give him a teasing gaze, but there were more important matters at hand. He quickly returned his focus back onto Alex and Galaxy Steve. Alex's smile had disappeared as she turned her gaze to Portal Steve. 

"What problem?" she asked, concerningly. 

"Well," Portal Steve spoke, his voice trailing as Green Steve began inspecting Galaxy Steve.

"Wha-" Galaxy Steve flinched away from Green Steve's hands that were reaching for his head. "Hey! What's going on?" 

Green Steve quickly motioned his hands, his eyes narrowed. 

"He says you need to hold still," Bright Steve told Galaxy Steve. 

"But, why?" Galaxy Steve managed to say even though Green Steve finally had a hold on his face and tilted his head to inspect him. 

"It's because of the spider," Portal Steve said. 

"Look, I know the spider hurt me," Galaxy Steve said. "Pretty bad, actually. But-" he exclaimed slightly when Green Steve touched the wound on his side. "Ow! Geez, watch it!" 

Green Steve rolled his eyes but continued to inspect Galaxy Steve. 

"Anyway," Galaxy Steve resumed. "I don't see anything wrong with me. And I should know, I am me!" 

"No, I know," Portal Steve said. "But..." he trailed off again, glancing at Sabre as if asking for help. Sabre knew this would give away many things, and he knew he would have to be prepared to explain, but he also knew he should explain the fact that had brought them to this moment. 

"I had a vision," Sabre told Galaxy Steve. "And you die from that bite in the morning, from poison." 

Galaxy Steve didn't say anything for a long, silent moment, and neither did Alex. The two stared back at Sabre for a moment, and Sabre knew the others were, as well. Finally, Galaxy Steve and Alex exclaimed in dismay at the same time, though, why did it sound like most of the others did, as well?


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