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Sabre finished his build, an glanced at the large glass barrier next to him. Rainbow Steve had also finished his build. Sabre was teamed with Alex, while Rainbow Steve was teamed with Galaxy Steve. Earlier, they had become bored and decided to have their own build battle. They had Blue Steve choose the theme, and now since they had finished their builds it was time for the judges to judge them. Blue Steve had also chose the judges, Red Steve, Green Steve, and Yellow Steve. The three Steves stepped forward and peered at Sabre's and Alex's build. Red Steve had his arms folded and was staring at the top of it; Yellow Steve was running around it and stopped every so often to look at it in different angles; and Green Steve was inspecting it from a distance, glancing from a small piece of paper in his hands, then at the build, and back again. Sabre thought Alex and him did well, but he also liked Rainbow Steve's and Galaxy Steve's build. He knew it would be a tough choice for the judges. 

After the judges finished looking at Sabre's and Alex's build, they moved on to Rainbow Steve's and Galaxy Steve's build. They inspected it the same way they did to Sabre's and Alex's build. Finally, they came back to Blue Steve and turned to face the four builders. 

"We have made our decisions." Green Steve said. He glanced at Red Steve who grumbled and shrugged then to Yellow Steve who nodded. Green Steve turned to face back at the four friends. "The winner is, Rainbow Steve and Galaxy Steve!"

Rainbow Steve and Galaxy Steve yelled excitedly an gave each other a high-five. They looked at Sabre and Alex from the other side of the glass wall. Sabre held up his hand to give them a thumbs-up. The four came up to Blue Steve and the others. 

"You did a great job, you two." Sabre told Rainbow Steve and Galaxy Steve. 

"So did you, Sabre." Rainbow Steve replied. "And, you too, Alex."

"Thanks." Alex said.

"Want to do another round?" Galaxy Steve asked. "Have new teammates? New builds?"

"Perhaps another time." Alex said. "It is getting dark. We should be heading back to our huts."

"She's right," Rainbow Steve agreed. "We'll have to rest up. Maybe tomorrow we can try out some new games!"

"Alright," Galaxy Steve muttered. A smile slowly appeared on his face. "I'll see you guys tomorrow, then."

"See you, Galaxy Steve!" Sabre called, waving a hand as his friend began to walk away.

The others called out their good-byes as they parted to head for their own homes. Sabre went into the forest to find his own home. Soon enough, he was standing right at it's wooden doorway. He went inside and went upstairs to find his bedroom. He sat down on his bed and looked out his window. Alex had been right, it was getting dark. The sun had made the sky a striking golden pink with bright orange clouds as it slowly set in the distance. Sabre let out a yawn. He looked forward to playing with his friends again. Ever since he chose to stay he had taught many games to the Steves; Sabre could tell they enjoyed them. Sabre laid back against his pillow and pulled the blankets over him. Tomorrow, he wondered what game they would play. There were so many choices. Sabre closed his eyes and went to sleep.

*                    *                    *

Sabre stretched his arms when he awoke the next morning. He climbed out of bed and looked out his window. The sun had risen and made the sky a bright aqua blue, no cloud in sight. It was a perfect time to play and Sabre was very eager to find out what game they would play. He chuckled softly to himself; it was like he was a child again. He went downstairs and to his door. He stopped; he had to eat first. He quickly went over to the counter and took a piece of bread before going outside. He had finished his piece of bread when he arrived at the build-battle area. Rainbow Steve, Galaxy Steve, Blue Steve and Alex were already there.

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