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"Blue Alex!" Portal Steve called as he ran, trying to keep up with the blue-haired Alex followed by the others, including Sabre. "Slow down; You're running too fast!" 

"Easy for you to say," Dust Alex said. With a spurt of speed, she easily caught up to Blue Alex before anyone could blink. 

Portal Steve sighed. "We can't follow you if you're too fast for us, Blue Alex." 

"Says who?" Blue Alex shot back over her shoulder. "If you want to save your friends, you have to be quick. Now stop complaining or I will slow down- only to decapitate you and leave you for the wolves." 

Sabre couldn't help but feel his annoyance rise within him. It didn't care whether Blue Alex was Portal Steve and his gang's "friend", she sure didn't seem worth the friendship. Though, Sabre had to push that down and out of his mind. If Blue Alex was willing to help them, despite her attitude towards the others, it was enough friendship for him. 

"How much further anyways?" Blue Steve asked, and quickly, he added, "Not that I'm complaining or anything!" 

Blue Alex didn't glance back, nor did she reply. Blue Steve opened his mouth to repeat his question when Blue Alex and Dust Alex stopped ahead of them. Portal Steve stopped behind the two Alexes, along with the rest of the group. Dust Alex was jumping up and down in excitement and Blue Alex had to place a hand on her head to stop her. 

"Why'd we stop?" Portal Steve asked. 

Blue Alex turned to glance at him over her shoulder. "First you complain about running too fast. Now you complain about stopping?" 

"No," Portal Steve quickly replied. "I'm just wondering. You were right; We do have places to be, and quick. So, why'd we stop?" 

"Because," Blue Alex said, pointing ahead. 

Sabre straightened himself up, straining to gaze over their heads to see what Blue Alex was pointing at. It took him by surprise, at first, knowing exactly where they were, yet he knew that was exactly where they had to be. The thick forest ahead looked lifeless and silent, seeming to be haunted with spirits from the dead. 

"The Dead Lands," Bright Steve breathed. 

"Come on," Blue Alex turned to face the group. "Forest Steve shouldn't be far from here. Then you can give him a piece of your mind."

"With your help, of course," Portal Steve pointed out, Green Steve folding his arms and nodding,  stern expression aimed at the Alex. 

"Right," Blue Alex returned to stern gaze with her own, her voice full of sarcasm. "Of course I'll help." She led the group, including Sabre, into the forest. As they walked, horrible memories flooded Sabre's head. The attack of the enormous birds, the fear of Forest Steve, even every one of his visions entered his mind. He couldn't seem to shake the thoughts away, nor could he keep his breathing easy as his heart pounded and his mind beginning to slip from reality. 

"Sabre?" Rainbow Steve turned to glance at him. "Are you okay?" 

Sabre couldn't say anything, he couldn't form any words to respond. He could barely hear anyone speak as if they were too far of a distance away. His vision blurred and his head spinning and, before long, he had to stop in his tracks and collapse on the ground as he fell unconscious. 

*   *   *

Sabre cried out in horror and grief, tears beginning to slip down his cheeks. The God of the Steves stood frozen in shock, staring down at the long, twining branch that pierced his chest and out his back, blood staining the front and back of his shirt, dripping to the ground in puddles of the thick crimson liquid. Forest Steve smirked with glee, tearing the branch swiftly out of God Steve's chest and flung blood to the ground. God Steve lurched slightly from the sudden removal of the branch. He didn't do much but stand there in pure shock. Sabre stared, his eyes wide from the horrific sight. God Steve was softly trembling, his breathing shallow. He turned to face Sabre and the others that stood behind him in the Dead Lands. With Sabre being a spirit again, he couldn't do anything to save the God of the Steves. God Steve smiled weakly at him, and Sabre knew exactly what he meant. God Steve had told him he was the only one to stop Forest Steve, and there was one way to do it. As much as Sabre didn't want to, he had to. He made that promise to the God of the Steves, and he was going to keep it. Sabre closed his eyes as God Steve collapsed, dropping dead on the ground along with the tears that escaped through the blindfold tied around Sabre's eyes.

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