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Sabre blinked as the blinding light faded. He was standing on grass, but not the Cemetary of Bones' grass. He looked around and excitement flooded through him when he realized where he was. He turned around and found his home. He ran up to it and touched its door, his hand didn't go through it. He was flesh and blood again! He wanted to leap with joy or cry with happiness. He went inside his house. The tables and counters were covered with dust and the corners held cobwebs dotted with speckles of glittering water. Sabre looked around, his house may be a mess but he still loved seeing it. He hadn't been here for over a week now. He was glad to be home. 

Sabre went running up the stairs and burst into his bedroom. His bed was covered with dust. He quickly grabbed the blankets and opened his window to shake off the dust outside. He stuck out his head and breathed in a long breath of fresh air. It felt good to do these things again. He quickly made his bed and grabbed a duster from his closet. He dusted off all the counters and tables and cleaned away the cobwebs until his house was clean once again. He went back upstairs and leaped onto his bed. It was still as comfy as it was before his death. He lied back against the pillow and before long, he fell asleep.

*   *   *

Sabre blinked awake. He was in his bed and the sun outside shown brightly through his window. He went over and peered out with a smile spread on his face. The sun was high in the sky, about noon. Then he froze. The door downstairs had opened, he heard it, and someone had come inside. He stood next to the door, leaning against the wall and listened. 

"What happened?" Sabre's eyes watered when he heard the sweet, friendly voice of Rainbow Steve. "This place was a mess before, right?"

"It was." that was Galaxy Steve. "Who could've come here to clean it?"

"Alex?" Rainbow Steve asked. 

"No, she was with us before." Galaxy Steve said. 

Sabre let one tear slip before untying his bandanna to wipe his eyes. He quickly tied back around his eyes as he heard his friends walk around his house. He was about to go back down the stairs when nervousness hit him like a bullet. Did he want to see his friends? So soon? He held his breath and closed the door. He wasn't ready, not yet. 

"What was that?" Galaxy Steve asked.

"It came from upstairs," Rainbow Steve said. "Come on!"

Sabre heard his friends' footsteps near as they climbed up the stairs. Sabre backed away from the door until he felt his legs touch his bed. 

"Hello?" Rainbow Steve called through the door. 

Sabre swallowed quietly and let out his breath. He was caught, he should at least say hello back.

"I-is anyone-" Rainbow Steve opened the door and gasped when he locked eyes with Sabre's. 

"Rainbow Steve?" Galaxy Steve asked, shuffling to the side. "What's the holdup?" he froze when he saw Sabre. "No way..."

"H-hey, guys." Sabre managed to say. 

"Sabre!" Rainbow Steve exclaimed. He ran up to Sabre and wrapped his arms around his neck. "Oh my gosh, Sabre! You're alive! You're okay! H-how'd you do it? Why'd you leave us?" he was now sobbing into Sabre's shoulder. "I'm so happy to see you."

"Rainbow Steve," Sabre whispered. "It's so good to see you, too."

Galaxy Steve came forward cautiously, his eyes filled with tears. "How? You were dead!" tears streamed down his face and a smile spread across his cheeks. "Oh, what does it matter?" he threw himself forward and joined the hug. "We missed you so much!"

Sabre couldn't say anything more, he was just happy to see his friends, and that was all that mattered right now.

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