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The pain Sabre felt was so great, he felt like he was burning in lava. It was like he was cold but sweating, or hot but shivering. It was a horrible feeling, like he would forever feel dread and hopelessness. Physically, he felt like his entire body would rip itself apart until he was left as a pile of feathers and blood. The rest of him felt internally flaming as if the blood in his veins were actually acid leaking into every organ and cell it could reach and burn him into evaporated smoke. He couldn't feel his fingertips; They were numb to the bone. He gritted his teeth, but stood his ground, squeezing his fists painfully at his sides. Forest Steve merely smirked. 

"Painful, isn't it?" He questioned in a mocking sort of way. "That's what happens to a spirit who wanders too far across the border."

"I didn't wander," Sabre forced himself to speak through gritted teeth. 

"Of course you didn't!" Forest Steve spoke in a way that reminded Sabre of sarcasm, but at the same time, it wasn't.

"Shut up, Forest Steve!" Sabre yelled, his chest covered in stabbing pain from the effort. "We're ending this, right here, right now!"

Forest Steve shrugged. "As you wish." And before Sabre could do anything, Forest Steve flicked a finger outward and branches entangled his legs. Sabre fought, bringing the pain that came with it, and tried to free himself. He lost balance and fell hard on his back, knocking the wind out of him. Forest Steve laughed.

"How sad," He sighed. "The Oh-So-Great Sabre has fallen, didn't even get the chance to do anything." He shook his head. "Some son I have."

"I am not your son!" Sabre tore at the branches that trapped his legs. He was able to free his right leg, then his left, and he strained to stand. He wanted to tear Forest Steve apart, to make him feel the pain Sabre felt now, to rid him of his torturing existence to all Steves, especially the Green Steves. But, then he realized, he didn't know what to do. All he knew was that he could see the future. Could he possibly see the future to predict Forest Steve's next moves? Could he dodge every attack until it finally tired Forest Steve out?

That'll never work, Sabre thought. At the state I am in now, it would more likely tire me out than him.

Now what? Sabre was out of ideas. He was only a human in a chicken onesie with unusual eyes covered by a blindfold who can see the future. Forest Steve was a Steve who could see the future and control almost everything found outside, and he just so happened to be Sabre's dad. How could Sabre stand up to someone like that?

"Come on, Sabre!" Rainbow Steve called out as if he knew Sabre was struggling. Sabre was thankful he was on his side, but he wished he could have a little help, even though he didn't want to endanger anyone.

"Come on, Sabre," Forest Steve smiled faintly. "Fight me, already. Do something. But," he stopped to put a hand on his chin. "Do what? I do not know."

The way Forest Steve spoke only provoked Sabre more. He was about to lunge when Forest Steve whipped his hand through the air in front of him and a huge vine smacked him across the face. He fell to his side with a grunt, the side of his face blazing with stinging pain along with his shoulder and down his arm.

How is he able to touch me? Sabre wondered in annoyance, shakily getting back to his feet. I'm a spirit, these things should pass right through me!

The border, he realized. As long as he was on the other side of the border, like he was supposed to be, he was a physical being, able to be touched and beaten by anyone and anything.

I have to beat him, Sabre told himself, determinedly. Soon. Or else I will be killed and he will live. The Steves would be in more danger than they are now!

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