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(Notice: I forgot to mention StarLord leaves in Chapter 38)

Sabre woke in a strange place, a headache flooding his head and his arm aching terribly bad. He blinked away spots in his eyes to give the place a look around. It was a large cabin with wooden chairs and couches holding wool blankets and feather-filled pillows. A small table lay on the side of the bed Sabre was in. Pictures of different Steves together, smiling and laughing together, were hanging on the walls. It reminded Sabre of his own friend group, with Rainbow Steve, Galaxy Steve, Alex, Blue Steve, Lucas, even Portal Steve, Emburn, and so forth. He guessed his friend group was growing. Speaking of his friends, they were nowhere in sight. He heaved himself up until he was sitting up. But he didn't stay that way long before his aching arm gave way and he fell back onto his pillow. He glanced at his arm which was wrapped tightly with bandages. He started when someone came into the room. Glancing up, he saw it was a Green Steve; and following him was Portal Steve who had his shoulder wrapped. 

"Oh, good!" Portal Steve said. "Sabre's awake, too. We were worried sick!" 

The Green Steve then motioned his hands in return to Portal Steve and Portal Steve froze. 

"Right," he muttered. "I suppose you're right."

Sabre then remembered Portal Steve mentioning his Green Steve friend had lost his voice, so Sabre guessed the Green Steve was using sign-language.

"What happened?" Sabre asked. 

The Green Steve motioned his hands again, but Sabre had no idea what he was saying. Portal Steve cocked his head to Sabre as if understanding his thoughts. 

"He said I was the only one worrying about you guys," Portal Steve explained. "And it's true, I was. Of course, Green Steve wouldn't worry, he's a doctor!"

Sabre glanced around; his friends were nowhere in sight. "Where's everyone else?"

"Rainbow Steve's with Blue Steve," Portal Steve explained. "They're outside. Galaxy and Alex are still recovering."

"Are they okay?" Sabre questioned.

"Of course they are!" Portal Steve responded. "We're talking about Green Steve's work here!"

Green Steve jabbed him with an elbow and began doing sign-language with his hands.

"Oh, sorry," Portal Steve muttered. He turned to Sabre. "He said he made mistakes before. And it's true; He tried treating himself into getting his voice back and it didn't work."

Sabre nodded in understanding. He thought it was strange talking to someone without a voice, but he wasn't going to judge. He was just glad the others were okay.

"We'll let you know when they're all healed up," Portal Steve told Sabre. "We're running out of time and we have to keep moving if we are to find the others before Forest Steve kills Emburn and the other spirits of the Cemetary of Bones."

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