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"W-what?" Rainbow Steve asked, his eyes wide with shock. "Why?"

"He's human," the God of the Steves replied. "I'm sorry. I swore never to heal a human, they are a danger to us all."

"Sabre's no danger!" Blue Steve exclaimed. "He's our friend!"

The God of the Steves sighed and faced the waters of the lake, the breeze ruffling his hair gently. Sabre blinked, the God of the Steves refused to help him. Now what? Rainbow Steve's eyes were now flooded with tears. He narrowed his eyes and barged up to the God of the Steves. The God of the Steves didn't move. 

"You better help Sabre," he said, practically yelling. "Or you will make me go with him." Tears were now streaming down his eyes. "Sabre means too much to me, he's one of my best friends. I can't afford to lose him."

The God of the Steves said nothing, he just stood there staring into the distance. His eyes had dulled when he blinked and sadness washed over them, surprising Sabre. Finally, he turned to Rainbow Steve, his voice low in a soft, gentle murmur. 

"I'm sorry, Rainbow Steve," he said. "But I'm not healing him." he looked away. "It's your choice."

Rainbow Steve shook his head slowly. "You monster," he said under his breath. He turned away and walked past the group of friends. Blue Steve glanced at the God of the Steves before chasing after him. Sabre's mouth went dry, the God of the Steves was nothing like a God. But a thought crossed Sabre's mind, causing him to calm. The God of the Steves was just trying to protect the Steves, and that's exactly what Sabre has been doing for years. Sabre was ready, accepted he would die. 

"Sabre," the God of the Steves turned to look at Sabre. "You understand why I'm doing this, right?"

Sabre nodded. "It's alright. I'm ready." When the God of the Steves said nothing, he continued. "You're just trying to help the Steves. I've been wanting to do the same, but I don't mean to intrude on your job and push you down. I will accept what is needed to be done."

The God of the Steves blinked and smiled sympathetically. He dipped his head and Sabre turned to walk away. 

"Thank you, Sabre." the God of the Steves said as he walked away. "Thank you for understanding."

Sabre sat down when he was a distance from his friends. He glanced at the sky which was turning a golden pink as night began to fall over the valley. Stars began to peak from the cobalt shadow over the bright colors and the clouds glowed silver as the sun began to set. A tear ran down Sabre's cheek. He would never see his friends again. No more fun games to play, no more adventures to go on, nothing. Sabre was going to die and there was nothing to do about it now. He glanced down at his feet, was he really ready for this?

Sabre glanced up when Green Steve approached him. 

"I'm sorry, Sabre," he said. "I really did believe the God of the Steves would help."

"It's alright, Green Steve," Sabre said. "Really, it is."

Green Steve sat down next to him. "You know, over my years as the Green Steve tribe leader I've had to watch my people die when Nightmare Steve attacked." 

Sabre looked up at him, his eyes were filled with sadness.

"It was hard," Green Steve continued. "They just laid there, on the ground. I couldn't do anything to save them."

Sabre set a hand on his shoulder. "I'm sorry."

Green Steve shook his head. "The hardest thing in this life is, not everyone can live forever." he looked at Sabre. "But I have an idea of how you can."

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