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"Rainbow Steve!" Sabre stood up to face his friend. 

"Sabre, you lied?" Rainbow Steve's voice was soft, but concerned. "Why, Sabre?"

"Because, I had to." Sabre breathed. "I couldn't let you worry, not when peace finally exists."

"Peace doesn't exist either way." Rainbow Steve said. After a moment, he spoke again. "We need to get you help. We need to go get Green Steve."

"No, Rainbow Steve." Sabre insisted. "It's too late. Like you said, humans die here. Well, I've been here for far too long. I'm dying." It felt good to get the truth out, Sabre thought, but it also came with a lode of grief. 

"It can't be." Rainbow Steve said. "You have to live! What would I do if you died?"

Sabre looked away, his eyes flooded with tears. "I'm sorry, I should've told you sooner." He turned back to face his reflection. "It's my fault."

"No, it's not." Rainbow Steve reassured him. "We can find a way to save you."

"I hope you're right." Sabre muttered. His reflection shown green as his other arm quickly vanished. "But what will you tell the others? The truth is out, there's no point in hiding it anymore."

Rainbow Steve stood beside him and looked into the water. "We'll tell them your life is at risk, and that we need to find-"

"Sabre's life is at risk?" Sabre jumped from Galaxy Steve's loud remark. "Oh, no!"

The two turned to face Galaxy Steve, Blue Steve, and Alex stood next to him. Sabre sighed, now he was in the line of attention. Everyone knew; and Sabre's life was fading. 

"We need to find help, quickly." Rainbow Steve told them. "There must be a Green Steve around here somewhere."

"I'll go find one." Alex volunteered. "You guys stay here, I'll be back." With that, she ran off into the forest with a flashlight in her hand. 

Sabre sat down. What was he going to do? He was dying quicker and quicker every moment, with every passing minute one part of his body was nothing. He looked at his fingers, and let out a startled gasp of shock. His fingertips were beginning to break into particles, just what his reflection showed. He looked up at Rainbow Steve who was gazing down at him, worry clouded his eyes. 

"I won't make it." Sabre told him. "Don't even bother trying to save me." Tears were streaming down his face. "I'll be nothing by the time Alex returns."

"Don't say that!" Blue Steve sat beside him. "You'll survive, we know it." By the look of his eyes, Sabre guessed he was only hoping he spoke the truth.

Rainbow Steve dropped down beside him and wrapped his arms around Sabre. Sabre hugged back and buried his face in his shoulder. 

"I'm scared..."

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