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It has been two days since the talk with Green Steve. He had told Sabre they would leave in three days; they were leaving tomorrow. Throughout the last two days, Sabre had lost his entire arm. Blue Steve was willing to help him, along with Rainbow Steve and Galaxy Steve but Alex kept her distance. Sabre understood why; she wasn't used to him without an arm. But then again, the others weren't either. Sabre was confused about why she kept away from him. Was there something Sabre missed? Was this death contagious to Alexes? 

"How are you doing, Sabre?" Sabre was pulled from his thoughts when Rainbow Steve joined him. Sabre then remembered he was sitting by the lake's shore; His brain was dying away, too, he realized. 

"I'm doing fine," Sabre replied. "You don't need to worry about me all the time."

"I do," Rainbow Steve sat down next to him. "You're dying, remember? It's- concerning."

Sabre sighed. "I know." From the first day finding himself in the Steves' world, he thought he would be alright. But he was wrong. He had to find the God of the Steves and persuade him to fix Sabre. He hoped the God of the Steves would listen, or his life with the Steves would be over. 

"I'm sure we'll get this fixed," Rainbow Steve said. "We do leave tomorrow, anyway."

Sabre nodded. "I hope this God of the Steves listens. I don't want to die."

"I don't want you to, either." Rainbow Steve said, placing a hand on Sabre's shoulder. "You're a great friend, I don't want to lose that."

Sabre turned to look at Rainbow Steve, his eyes were filled with sadness and hope. Sabre smiled in return and wrapped his good arm around Rainbow Steve's neck. 

"You're a great friend, too." He told him. "I can't imagine you dying, again."

Rainbow Steve chuckled. "Those were some strange days. With Lucas, and Light, and all our other friends."

Sabre gazed up at the bright sky. It was beginning to turn a cobalt and aqua blue with golden pink clouds. Stars began to peak through them and dot the sky as night fell. The sun was setting, leaving a long golden-orange reflection across the now violet surface of the lake. Rainbow Steve was right; the sunsets were pretty. 

I can't imagine what it would be like if any of our friends were dead, Sabre thought. His friends and he had great times with the different games they played and the adventures they had. What if all that was gone? Then there would've been no point for Sabre's arrival here. 

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