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Sabre fought back tears, thankful he had a bandanna over his eyes so no one could see. The God of all Steves was leading the group back to the Cemetary of Bones. Bright Steve looked brighter than usual after hearing what the God of all Steves had in store.

"These are dark times," he had said. "And this calls for things that I swore I wouldn't do, but it is much needed now. I will give the four spirits of the Cemetary of Bones their bodies, I will make them live again and if they die, I won't do it again."

Bright Steve had been so happy since he heard that. Sabre wanted to feel happy for him, but the conversation he had with the God of all Steves had been stuck in his mind ever since. It was hard to think about, but he knew it would help the benefit of the Steves, and he wouldn't cry about it. Like the God of all Steves said; it couldn't be avoided. If that was how it was going to be, Sabre accepted it. 

Sort of.

The Cemetary of Bones wasn't far from where the group stood. The dew-covered grasses of the memorable place were easy to spot between the lines of dead trees and dusty ground. As the group kept walking on, Sabre could easily spot each individual grave that lay there. Even the ghostly Emburn, Carodu, Cala, and Sally stood there speaking amongst themselves. Sabre could tell they already knew about what the God of all Steves has chosen to do from the excitement in their voices. It wasn't long before Sabre could feel the soft grass beneath him as he stepped into the small clearing. Emburn and the other three feminine spirits turned their gazes to the approaching group of friends. 

"I suppose you already know why we're here?" The God of all Steves was the first to speak. 

Cala nodded. "Thank you for this. Really."

The God of all Steves didn't answer. He held out his hand and the energy that radiated off of him was so strong, Sabre could feel the hairs on the back of his neck prickle with it. Though it was the usual electrical feel a normal person would feel. This time, it was different. Sabre just didn't know how. 

The spirits no longer looked transparent in an instant. They looked solid as if they were actually there instead of a distant haze. Bright Steve threw himself out to hold Emburn in a tight hug, a wide smile over his face. 

"You're alive!" he exclaimed. "Like- actually alive!"

Emburn laughed, hugging him back. "It's good to feel my pulse again. And actually feel with my paws now."

Bright Steve chuckled as they separated. 

"Yeah yeah yeah," Blue Alex muttered. "Very nice reunion, here. But we have important matters."

"Geez," Emburn spat. "Way to be rude, as usual, Blue Alex."

Sabre was startled at first from Emburn's hiss. It was strange hearing her in a non-mature way. He guessed now that she wasn't a spirit she wouldn't be perfect and would return to her normal state, whatever that is, anyway. 

"Oh, I like her," Carodu said, creating a wave of amusement through the group. 

"Wow!" Dust Alex exclaimed at the same time as Sally. They stared at each other with wide eyes for a long moment.

"You're like me!" They exclaimed at once. Breaking into laughter, the two gave each other a high-five. 

"Woah," Sally stared at her hand. "I haven't felt anything by touch in-" she paused to think. "Forever!" 

Dust Alex laughed more as Sally went on in her amazement. 

Sabre let a smile peak over his face. The reunions, the laughter, it was all that Sabre wanted to hear. The battle that was about to come was fearful enough. It was nice to have a short turn around before they had to set off again to find the mischievous and troublemaking Forest Steve in a final battle of life or death. 

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