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"How?" Sabre blinked at Green Steve. Could he really live forever and not have to worry about the Steves air?

Green Steve leaned over to whisper to him. "There's a place on the other side of this valley. A place where no Steve has gone before and got out alive. I hear there's a secret power source for anyone dying. If we could get you over there and get out alive, you will be able to live forever."

"How do you know about this 'place'?" Sabre asked. 

"I've tried to go there before." Green Steve replied. "I was trying to save my best friend. But there was this beast, and he stopped me from doing so and gave me this." he tilted his head to show Sabre three long, jagged scars running down the side of his neck. "It almost killed me. But I was lucky my people found me, or I wouldn't be here today."

Sabre didn't know how to reply. Green Steve has been through a lot, from the sound of it. 

"What sort of power source is it?" he asked instead. 

"It looks like a bright blue orb." Green Steve said. "It glows in the dark, even in the darkest shadows you can see it. You can't miss it."

"And it's in the area past this valley?" Sabre asked. 

Green Steve nodded. "It is. I've seen it before the creature attacked." 

"Should we tell the others?" Sabre asked. "They should know, too-"

"No! We mustn't." Green Steve just about cut him off, taking him by surprise. "The God of the Steves wouldn't accept this. This is just a journey between us."

Sabre looked away. Should he go with Green Steve and find this power source that'll save his life, forever? 

"I assure you," Green Steve told him. "I am willing to help you. I want you to live as much as the others do. What do you say?"

"I-" Sabre paused to take a breath. "I'll come with you."

*   *   *

Sabre woke early the next morning. Last night, his hand had begun to fade and it hurt Sabre. Now that he knew there was another way to live, he began to rethink accepting his death. He stood up and dusted the dirt off the front of his chicken onesie."

"Get up early tomorrow morning before everyone else gets up," Green Steve had told him. That's when we leave." 

Sabre stepped out of the cave entrance and held up the vines that covered it in the valley's cliffside. Green Steve stood not too far from where Sabre stood. His arms were folded as he waited for Sabre to join him. 

"Alright," he said when Sabre stood in front of him. "Let's go."

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