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Sabre could only imagine the grief Alex felt alongside everyone else's. Galaxy Steve's death had affected them all, each voting they should stop to respect Galaxy Steve's passing. The grave was splayed out, the lifeless Galaxy Steve hidden in the pile of fresh dirt, yellow flowers laying at its top. Rain threatened to fall just for the occasion, the grief possibly reaching the clouds to tell them the tragic story of their friend's death. Rainbow Steve stood at Sabre's side- a  with Blue Steve next to him, Alex on Sabre's other side. Blue Steve had tear stains on his cheeks, Alex still slightly sobbing in her hands. Portal Steve stood by Green Steve and Bright Steve, turned slightly away from Galaxy Steve's grave. Green Steve still had his usually determined gaze, though Sabre could tell he felt bad for not being able to heal their lost friend. As for Bright Steve, he had a look of grief as if he had just lost a family member. Dust Alex stood with Entity Steve, and what surprised Sabre at first was the fact that she was crying in Entity Steve's shoulder, his arms wrapped around her in comfort. Sabre lowered his gaze; He couldn't look at his friend's resting place, not when the weight of guilt weighed heavily on his shoulders. Sabre thought it was his own fault why his friend died, though he didn't know how. Yet, if the guilt was heavy on his shoulders, then why did it feel like a hand? Was it Galaxy Steve? Did he wake as a spirit and come to comfort Sabre? No. When Sabre glanced up to see who had laid their hand on his shoulder, he noticed instead of no one standing there, it was Alex. Her face still stained with tears, she gazed up at him. Before he knew it, Alex wrapped her arms around his neck. Sabre took a moment to realize what had happened before hugging back. He knew well that he wasn't the only one shaken by the moment; Everyone else was, as well. Not only that, but he knew how much Alex cared for Galaxy Steve, meaning she must've been the most heartbroken. Sabre couldn't help but feel bad for her. 

"We can't just stand here!" Dust Alex exclaimed so suddenly, it took everyone by surprise. Sabre and Alex quickly broke the hug to face him along with the others. "Forest Steve made us come on this journey, he made Galaxy Steve get hurt, and now because of him, Galaxy Steve is dead!" 

Portal Steve glanced away with his eyes closed. After a moment he reopened them and faced Dust Alex with his eyes narrowed, a strong determination glowering in his blue gaze. "Right. We have to stop Forest Steve before he causes anyone else to get hurt!" 

Sabre nodded, Portal Steve's determination strengthening his own. "Galaxy Steve would want us to." Alex gazed up at him once more, and Sabre turned to her with a smile. "We can't let him down." 

Alex blinked once before smiling back at Sabre. 

"Oh for the love of-" An annoyed, unamused voice spoke. Everyone turned to face the speaker, who was female with blue hair held in a tight ponytail and blue assassin clothes. Her eyes were a cold aqua with darker highlights. "Stop being a bunch of criers! If he's gone, he's gone; Tears won't fix that. If it's Forest Steve you want dead for what's he's been done, you make him die. All you're doing is wasting time, unlike me. I know why you came to search for me. Apparently, you need my help. Am I willing to give it to you?" She shook her head. "No. But will I do it to please you and be on my way so you can't bother me again? Of course, I am! So? Are we leaving or not?" 

Portal Steve's reaction made hope flood the group so strong, it must've been the only feeling left to exist. 

"Blue Alex, thank you." 

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