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Sabre and his friends were sitting around the fireplace with roasting sticks in their hands. Marshmallows were bubbling on their ends as they drew closer to the burning flames. They were laughing and telling jokes as they ate. Rainbow Steve finally decided to join them after the night sky came. Sabre was trying to be as serious as he could about listening to his friends, but his mind kept slipping away as if it had thoughts of his own; and these thoughts didn't want to listen. Rainbow Steve said so himself, Sabre told himself, humans die in these parts, and I'm going to be one of them. 

"Well," Alex let out a yawn. "I'm off to bed. Tomorrow, let's go hiking."

"After a swim in the lake." Blue Steve pointed out. "It's cooler in the mornings!"

"Okay, Blue Steve." Alex replied with a smile, and ducked into her tent. 

"We should all go to bed, now." Rainbow Steve told the others. "We don't want to wake up too tired to swim, right?"

"No way!" Galaxy Steve exclaimed. "It's sounds too fun to miss." 

Rainbow Steve laughed. "Alright, then. Goodnight, everyone!"

Everyone left for their own tents. Sabre scrambled into his sleeping bag and faced the roof of his tent. Hopefully he would be alive tomorrow. He didn't want his friends to see his dead body in the morning. Please, he prayed. Let me live one more day!

The next morning, Sabre woke up. for a moment, he didn't know where he was; but soon realized he was in his tent. It was so dark, he didn't recognize the place. He climbed out of his sleeping bag and went outside. It was still night out, and the faint breeze felt good on his face. He walked over and sat down on the lake's shores. He peered in the water to see his reflection. his whole arm was gone, and the his other arm just started to break into particles. He sighed and took his bandanna off his face and blinked. in his reflection, his eyes were pure black. Whenever he blinked, green lights danced through the darkness in his eyes. He slipped the bandanna back over his eyes. He would be dead soon. Footsteps broke the night silence and a gasp echoed through the darkness, startling Sabre.

"Sabre! What happened to you?" 

It was Rainbow Steve.

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