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Sabre sat next to the pool, his skeletal reflection staring back at him. He was waiting for the God of the Steves, who said he would be strengthening his rusty powers before getting started. He hoped it wouldn't be long. By sunset Sabre would be done for. He remembered how Emburn said not to see his reflection, but he couldn't help it. He just hoped the others wouldn't see.

"Ready, Sabre?" Sabre stood up and turned to the God of the Steves. He nodded. "Good, let's begin."

The two went into the God of the Steves' hut, the others stood waiting outside. The hut was lit well by a lantern hanging on a hook on the wall. Quilts and old Indian-like clothes were neatly hung around the room, one quilt on an old rocking chair in the back corner. On the walls were old, dusty pictures of- what Sabre guessed, were the God of the Steves' ancient relatives. The God of the Steves turned to Sabre.

"Alright, let's get this over with." 

*   *   *

It was done; the God of the Steves had just finished, and Sabre felt more alive than he ever did, maybe younger, too. 

"Thank you so much," Sabre said, slowly moving his hands to adjust to their new-life tingling. 

"Well, then," the God of the Steves' eyes dulled slightly. "Now I must rest. Off you go, and take your friends with you."

Sabre nodded. "Thank you for your help. And don't worry, we will stop Forest Steve. I promise." he turned to leave.

"Oh, Sabre!" the God of the Steves called. When Sabre faced him, he spoke. "Good luck."

Sabre smiled and walked outside the hut. His friends stood there and when he stepped out of the hut, they turned to him.

"So?" Blue Steve asked, expecting Sabre to tell them something.

"It worked," Sabre told them. 

"Thank goodness," Portal Steve said. "Because we got to go, like now!"

"Alright, alright," Sabre said. "Why don't you lead the way? You know your friends better than I do, anyway."

"Right," Portal Steve blinked. "Come on, follow me!"

The group followed Portal Steve out of the valley and turned to a nearby forest. It was quite thick with vines covered in thorns and thick shrubs covered in bright red spots, and Sabre knew they were not normal berries or berries at all. The tree trunks were largely round and rough and the leaves were small but finely spread out like a fan. The plants there were highly overgrown and strange animals called out. 

"I think I know a shortcut this way to Green Steve," Portal Steve told the group.

"Are we sure we should even go in there?" Galaxy Steve asked. "I know I haven't been in there, but it doesn't look-" he thought for a moment. "Friendly."

"Easy," Portal Steve replied. "Don't touch anything."

The feeling of uncertainty was so thick Sabre could feel it pressing against his skin, or it was just Rainbow nervously clutching Sabre's arm. 

"Well, I trust Portal Steve," Sabre said, though he couldn't help but feel unsure about that. "Let's go."

Portal Steve nodded and pushed his way through the shrubs, followed by the group of friends who had hesitated for a moment. Sabre hoped Portal Steve was right, they didn't have time for any distractions and more dangers to worry about at the moment. Wasn't Forest Steve and the life of the spirits of the Cemetary of Bones enough to worry about?   

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