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The group of friends finished eating and stacked their plates in the sink. Sabre began to set the dishes in the dishwasher beside the counter and went into the other room where the others were. He sat down on the couch beside Rainbow Steve and Alex, Blue Steve next to Rainbow Steve and Galaxy Steve sat with StarLord on the opposite couch. 

"What should we do today?" StarLord asked. 

Galaxy Steve shrugged. "Sabre still has three days left to hang out with us, we must make them fun and rememberable."

"Every day with you guys is rememberable." Sabre pointed out.

Rainbow Steve smiled. "How about another camping trip? Last time we went camping it was completely messed up when we found out Sabre was dying."

"Good idea," Blue Steve said. "Anyone else in?"

The others nodded. Sabre was a little disappointed when he saw StarLord agree. He pushed the feeling away; StarLord is a friend to us. But as much as he wanted to believe that, he couldn't help but think about his nightmare.

"Alright, we are all in," Rainbow Steve said. "Let's go pack up. We'll leave by sunhigh."

*   *   *

Sabre finished packing quickly and set his pack up on his shoulders. He glanced out his open window, the sun was just about touching the middle of the pale aqua blue sky, the clouds partially covering it and causing a small shadow to be cast across the grass. He forced himself to smile knowing the sun was bright and headed out, closing the door behind him. As he made his way towards his friends' meeting spot, cold hatred lurked deep in his stomach. StarLord seemed like a nice guy, he told himself. But what if they were wrong? Sabre swallowed, remembering his nightmare. Then the idea struck him, and he couldn't wait to see StarLord splayed out on a bed in the tent. Sabre wanted the night to come, he wanted to see StarLord. Tonight, he told himself, he wouldn't sleep. Before long, he arrived at the meeting spot. Rainbow Steve was there along with Blue Steve.

"Hey, Sabre!" Rainbow Steve called to him as he neared closer to his friend. 

"Hey, Rainbow Steve." Sabre greeted him. "Hi, Blue Steve. Great idea with the camping trip, Rainbow Steve."

"You're happy," Blue Steve said. "Rainbow Steve was just telling me how you don't trust StarLord. What caused you to change your mind?"

Sabre shrugged in reply. "It's my last 3 days, remember? I might as well spend it happily with my friends."

The two friends smiled back, though Sabre thought he spotted a hint of uncertainty in Rainbow Steve's eyes for a moment. He looked away as Galaxy Steve, Alex and StarLord neared them. When Sabre's eyes landed on StarLord, a darkness filled him; a darkness that felt as if it were eating his stomach alive, and a small smirk spread formed on his face. 

Don't sleep tonight, StarLord...

Once you do...

You won't wake up by dawn...

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