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Sabre sucked in a breath. He has never done this before. Clutching the knife in his hand, he stepped out of the tent into the cool air of the night. He held his breath and crouched low in the tall grass around him. If StarLord saw him now, he was sure to lose trust from his friends. He closed his eyes; I'm doing it for their own safety. They'll understand. He slowly began to stalk forward, the knife in his hand glittering in the pale moonlight. He set his feet softly on the ground, cautious not to make a noise. The grass around him swayed in the breeze, making it easier for Sabre to hide in. As he neared closer to where StarLord sat, his heart began to pound harder and he worried StarLord may hear it. His mouth became dry and he swallowed down his fear, replacing it with anger and hatred. What was he thinking? StarLord could be dangerous.

No, he is dangerous. 

Sabre was now standing above StarLord, with the knife close to the stranger's neck. Now or never...

"Don't even try, Sabre." Sabre froze when StarLord spoke. He held his breath, hoping if he stood still enough StarLord wouldn't notice him. 

"I know how you don't trust me," StarLord said, continuing to stare out across the calm waters of the lake. "You have a right to, I've been a jerk back in my days. I've heard about you, I've been watching you. And I know you don't believe the stories I told, and you shouldn't either; Some are lies." he let out a soft chuckle. "I know Emburn won't fall for me."

Sabre didn't move. What game was he playing at?

"I knew this day would come," StarLord spoke softly which annoyed Sabre. " And I'm fine with that. I'm sure you know if your friends found out they would get pretty mad, huh? But, don't worry, I already made a note. They'll understand." Finally, he turned to Sabre. "I'll let you do it."

Sabre blinked. StarLord wanted Sabre to kill him. He wasn't expecting this, he didn't know what to do. He clutched the knife tighter. StarLord shouldn't be trusted, he told himself, his friends were in danger because of him.

But was that the truth?

Sabre's hand began to tremble the tighter he clutched the knife. What would his friends think of him if he did? A murderer, a trainer... He squeezed his eyes shut. No, this was not right. He let the knife drop from his hand and before he knew it, he wrapped his arms around StarLord and gave him a hug. 

"I'm sorry," He said. "I didn't know what to do, or who to trust."

StarLord said nothing, then hugged him back. "That's okay. I didn't expect you to trust me. Of course, no really did. Not even my father."

Sabre pulled away and smiled. "You know, you're not so bad. We may as well be great friends. Let's start over." he raised his hand and offered it to StarLord. "I'm Sabre."

StarLord accepted and shook his hand in return. "I'm StarLord."

"So," Sabre sat down next to him. "You clearly know about me, and I wasn't a great listener before. Tell me more about you."

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