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The group went outside of the cave with StarLord following slowly with Galaxy Steve. The two talked and talked and sometimes cracked a laugh or two at times. Sabre was a little suspicious about this 'StarLord' guy. After meeting Forest Steve, he started looking at strangers differently. He just hoped it wouldn't get the best of him. 

 "I remember this one time when MoonLord kidnapped someone to marry," StarLord was saying. "I think her name was 'Carodu' or something. And turns out, the girl I like was her cousin."

"Gee," Galaxy Steve said. "Who was this girl?"

"Emburn," StarLord said. "Though, I found she likes someone else. A Steve. But that's okay, I'm sure she'll fall for me soon, anyway."

Galaxy Steve laughed. "But here's a question for you. Even if she does fall for you, how would you even kiss? You don't have a face."

The two burst out laughing. Sabre stopped himself from whipping around to scold them. He was glad the two got along so well, but it worried Sabre. What if it was Forest Steve and he changed to look like StarLord only to earn their trust before attacking? Sabre swallowed. I'll keep my eye on him. He didn't want his friends to get hurt. 

"Did Carodu and him get married?" Galaxy Steve asked when they calmed. 

"Nope," StarLord said. "Instead, he died."

"Oh, sorry," Galaxy Steve lowered his gaze. "I didn't realize that."

"It's all good, though," StarLord told him. "I never liked him, anyway. He is the one who stole my face, after all."

"What did that feel like?" Blue Steve joined in. "When you got your face stolen, I mean."

"It didn't hurt at all," StarLord replied. "I didn't even feel a thing! Or, I did but I was too young to remember." 

"And what was it like to find someone you like?" Alex asked. "Just curious."

"It was strange," StarLord told her. "I started saying things and before I knew it, I was slapped in the face by a bunch of claws then yelled at. It was hilarious."

"Ouch," Blue Steve said. "I bet that hurt."

 "It did," StarLord agreed. Then he started laughing. "I just realized the pun you made!"

"What pun?" Galaxy Steve asked. 

"Emburn also goes by the name of Bet," StarLord said. "So whenever I heard 'Bet' in a sentence I always think of her."

Rainbow Steve laughed. "Now I get it."

Oh no, Sabre thought. Not you, too, Rainbow Steve. Sabre was beginning to worry even more the more they talked and laughed together. If StarLord really was Forest Steve, he was doing a really good job at persuading them that he is some other guy. 

It won't work for me, though, Sabre thought, glancing over his shoulder to see his friends enjoy themselves as StarLord told them more stories. I promise you, you will not kill my friends, Forest Steve, not when I will show everyone who you truly are.


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