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Sabre could tell he was waking up. He could feel his consciousness returning. He had forgotten what had happened only moments ago. Or was it days? Months? Years, even? He was unsure. He kept his eyes closed, his entire body ached. Although, the sensation around him felt like he was sinking, deep into an endless ocean. Slowly, he opened his eyes, finding himself in a pitch-black area. The only light was that far, very far above him. A blue light that faded into the darkness around him. He wasn't exactly in a body of water, but instead, an endless abyss where he would sink ever so slowly downward. He couldn't tell whether anyone was there with him. He couldn't tell if Forest Steve ended up here, as well. He couldn't hear anything but a faint breeze, little could he feel it in his hair.

My friends! Sabre realized, allowing himself to shortly panic. He relaxed just as quickly as he panicked.

They're fine, he told himself. Forest Steve is dead, I saw him die right in front of me.

He looked up at the blue light above. He could just make out a figure, a familiar figure. He couldn't quite identify him, but he created a portal and slipped through, the portal closing behind him.

Portal Steve, Sabre realized rather calmly. He was able to escape. But what about me?

He didn't think he could get out. The portal was closed, let alone he didn't know how he got there in the first place. He had a feeling that he couldn't leave as easily as Portal Steve. It was like he knew Portal Steve's death was a mistake. But, what did that mean for Sabre?

At the moment, he didn't care. He let his eyes close. He had a feeling everything would be fine, that he had no reason to escape the abyss he was sinking into. He felt rather calm, at ease; Peaceful. He guessed he was dead, that he had turned to ashes after killing Forest Steve. He didn't worry about what his friends were thinking, feeling at the moment. He didn't have a reason to worry. Eternal peace was finally made for the Steve world. He knew if that peace was ever broken, someone else could take care of it. For now, Sabre finally got the rest he needed.

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