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Lightning struck, fireballs spewed, explosions echoed in Sabre's ears. The friends didn't dare take a step from the chaotic battle that had broken out in front of them. The God of all Steves was hovering while Forest Steve stood on the ground, both of their pure white eyes glowering in the smoke. Forest Steve had his fists clenched tightly and the God of all Steves held out his hands to throw fireballs outward. Forest Steve easily dodged with such speed and returned the attack with sharp-pointed sticks. The God of all Steves teleported out of the way as the quill-like sticks land hard in the ground.

"We need to help him!" Portal Steve exclaimed. He bolted forward, jumping over fallen trees, and weaved around flames to get to the center of the battlefield.

"No, wait!" Sabre called out to him, but it was too late. Portal Steve was already far into the battle and there was no way he could hear Sabre.

"Let's go help him!" Blue Steve spoke up. "He can't fight with God Steve alone."

"Right," Rainbow Steve nodded. He turned to Sabre and Sabre nodded in agreement. But before any of them could move, a sheering pain gripped Sabre's chest. He gasped, clutching the front of his shirt as if to stop the sudden pain.

"Sabre!" Rainbow Steve exclaimed in surprise. Sabre fell to his knees, sweat dripping down the sides of his face. Rainbow Steve joined him, kneeling beside him with a hand gently grasping his arm.

"Is it another vision?" he asked.

Sabre shook his head, unable to form any words. Green Steve now knelt on his other side. He took Sabre's wrist and carefully removed Sabre's hand from his chest so he could use his other hand to feel Sabre's pulse. His face twisted with confusion.

"Is he okay?" Rainbow Steve turned to Green Steve.

Green Steve shrugged, scratching the back of his head. Sabre trembled as his body began to appear transparent, and before long, the pain suddenly stopped. Sabre let out his breath. The pain felt like a heart attack while drowning in a pool of deep water with no escape.

"Sabre?" Rainbow Steve spoke in a concerned tone of voice.

Sabre took a moment to breathe. He was a spirit again. Now that the God of all Steves' powers was all focused on destroying Forest Steve, there was no power left to keep Sabre in his body.

"I'm- okay," he managed to say.

"He's a spirit again," Emburn said. "Wow, all the pain from months of disintegrating just came at him all at once."

"He needs to rest," Cala agreed. "If that really did happen, he will need a moment."

"Then I'll stay here with him," Rainbow Steve insisted. "You guys help Portal Steve."

"Alright," Blue Steve nodded. With him at the lead, the rest of the group went to help Portal Steve and the God of all Steves. Sabre sat back with a sigh, unfamiliar with his sense of touch gone and unable to feel the ground below him. Rainbow Steve sat beside him with a look of worry.

"I'm fine, Rainbow Steve," Sabre told him. "Really. It was just- unexpected."

Rainbow Steve shook his head. "You worry me, a lot."

"I don't mean to," Sabre pointed out.

"No, I know that," Rainbow Steve looked at him. "I just don't know what I'd do if you were to..." He trailed off. Sabre lowered his gaze, his chest no longer tight with aches and loss of breath. He knew what Rainbow Steve was going to say, but he didn't dare think about it. Sabre shakily got to his feet.

"Sabre," Rainbow Steve stood up beside him. "What are you doing?"

"I have to help," Sabre told him. "We both do."

"But Sabre," Rainbow Steve argued. "You heard what Cala said; You need to rest. And the border! It's right next to the battle! If you go over it you'll be turned to dust!"

"I'll be fine," Sabre insisted. "You said you'll be there by my side through the whole thing. So are you with me or not?"

Rainbow Steve was silent for a long moment. Sabre felt sorry for making Rainbow Steve choose, but Sabre couldn't let his friends get hurt, with Rainbow Steve or not. Finally, Rainbow Steve sighed.

"I'll come," Rainbow Steve replied. "I won't break a promise." 

Sabre nodded. "Alright. I can see the future. If I can figure out how to use it properly, I can help destroy Forest Steve."

"Then let's go," Rainbow Steve said.

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