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Sabre had been crying all night. His friends tried to calm him, but it was no use. He couldn't get over the fact he was going to die. It was now morning, his tears were dried up and he had dozed only for a few minutes. He was laying in his sleeping bag, his friends outside. His hand had begun to hurt and his eyes welled with renewed tears. 

"I'm not sure what we're going to do." Blue Steve told them outside the tent. "If Alex doesn't get back with Green Steve, Sabre could be lost to the stars."

"That's not going to happen." Rainbow Steve said. "He'll live, I'm sure of it."

Sabre softly began to cry. Blue Steve was right, perhaps it was too late. It would take a miracle for him to survive. Or, maybe just a Green Steve- if he knew how to heal Sabre, of course. But what if this Green Steve couldn't heal him? He would die, leaving his friends to only know him as a memory. He didn't want that, he didn't want his friends to grieve over his grave. Or this would be for the best. The Steves could live without worry of humans coming into their lands. The Steves and humans can live peacefully and separately. But, do the Steves really want that? Does Sabre want that? He wiped his eyes clean of tears. No, he didn't.

"Sabre," Sabre started from Rainbow Steve's soft voice. "You doing okay?"

"I think so." Sabre replied, his voice shaking. "Will Alex make it back with Green Steve in time?"

"We don't know, yet." Rainbow Steve told him. "It's a long way back to our homes, it could take her another few days."

Sabre nodded, disappointed but at the same time, relieved. What was he thinking? Why fight trying to survive this when there's a more likely chance he might not? He wished he could give in already, but he knew better. He can't die and leave his friends with the only thoughts of his death. Sabre sat up and sniffed. How much longer did he have until he would die? He hoped he still had time. 

"The sun has risen," Rainbow Steve told him. "You up for a walk?"

"I guess." Sabre replied. Might as well spend time with the others if I won't survive. He stood up and followed Rainbow Steve outside his tent and into the forest. Rainbow Steve told Sabre he let the others know where they were going and when they might be back. 

"Hopefully before lunch," Rainbow Steve had said. 

"Well, don't be too long." Blue Steve had replied. "We're roasting hot dogs!"

Sabre didn't mind if they missed lunch or not, he didn't want to eat anyway. They had been walking for some time now, the sun slowly climbing across the sky above the treetops. Sabre loved to look up and just watch the trees as the swayed from the wind's gentle touch. It's as if the wind had its own fingers to push the trees until they toppled over. Rainbow Steve said he enjoyed watching the trees' leaves fall lightly to the ground during the fall. He said he enjoyed the breeze in his hair, and Sabre had said he enjoyed it to. All these memories made renewed tears fill Sabre's eyes. He blinked them away quickly when Rainbow Steve halted. 

"Look, right there." he murmured, pointing a finger at one of the tree branches ahead. Sabre followed his finger and noticed a bright yellow bird hopping across the branch, peering over at the two before fluttering away. A small yellow feather drifted toward the friends and landed at their feet. Rainbow Steve bent to pick it up and held it so Sabre could see. 

"It's pretty." Sabre said. 

"I wanted you to see the pretty things," Rainbow Steve said, holding out his hand and blowing at the feather, watching it as it flew higher as he caught the wind. "If it'll be too late." Rainbow Steve's eyes were now filled with tears. When he blinked, the dropped softly to the soil. Sabre placed a hand on his shoulder and smiled. 

"Thank you." 

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