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Sabre went out the door. Today, he and his friends were going camping! They were going to go down to the lake and set camp there. This was the Steves' second time camping and Sabre was feeling pretty good about it. He was excited! He already had his camping gear packed and he carried it on his back. He stopped at the place they met everyday and waited. He was so excited, he made it there early for a change. Moments later, Rainbow Steve, Galaxy Steve, Alex and Blue Steve came. They were also packed up and ready to go. 

"Everyone ready?" He asked. 

"I brought everything I need." Rainbow Steve replied. 

"So did I." Galaxy Steve said. "I think. Let me check real quick." He set down his bag and began pulling things out. "Flashlight, food, water, sleeping bag, pillow. Yep, I'm good." 

"Same." Alex said. 

"This'll be so much fun." Blue Steve said with a smile. "I want to go swimming in the lake. I would give anything to do that!"

"I want to go fishing." Galaxy Steve said. "Oh, no! I forgot my fishing pole, and bait! Be right back." He called over his shoulder as he ran off in the direction of his home. Sabre and the others chuckled to themselves. 

"I want to go exploring." Alex said when they stopped. "I want to see the nature there is, it might be cool." 

"I want to sit at the lake's shore at sunset." Rainbow Steve said. "It'll look so pretty over the water. It makes me feel as if there's nothing to worry about in life."

I wish that were the truth, Sabre wanted to say, but he knew better than to do so. He was getting nervous just thinking about seeing his reflection in the lake. His excitement soon faded into a strong fear his friends would find out his secret. Maybe camping by the lake was a bad idea. 

"Back!" Galaxy Steve broke Sabre out of his poisoned thoughts. He turned to face his friend who held a long fishing pole and bucket in his hands. "Now I'm ready to go."

"It'll take us all day," Blue Steve said. "If we start now, we'l' get there just before sunset. Let's go!"

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