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Sabre stepped back to admire his tent. His friends and him were done setting up camp and the sun was about to set. Rainbow Steve was already sitting on the lake shores, watching as the sun drifted lower and lower. Sabre went over to join him.

"Isn't this pretty?" Rainbow Steve asked when he sat down.

"Sure is." Sabre replied. 

Rainbow Steve turned to face him. "You've still been a little off lately."

"W-what do you mean?"

"I mean, you're not yourself." Rainbow Steve explained. "Something's not right, and I should know." He paused for a moment. "You're my best friend, Sabre. You can tell me anything."

Anything? Sabre echoed. I'm not so sure about that

"I'm fine," Sabre insisted. "Really, Rainbow Steve, I am. There's no reason to worry. It's just-" Should I tell him?

"What is it?" Rainbow Steve asked. 

"It's just that," Sabre began. "it's hard fitting in with Steves."

"I'm sure it is." Rainbow Steve said. "Humans don't come here often."

"Why not?" Sabre dared to ask.

"you sure you want to know?" Rainbow Steve questioned. 

"Of course I do." 

"Well," Rainbow Steve said. "Humans around these parts die off, the Steves' place isn't a place for humans. The air kills them."

Sabre swallowed. That might explain it...

"That's why I've been concerned about you staying here, with us." Rainbow Steve told him. "I'm worried you'll die, too."

Sabre looked away. Well, I am dying. I just can't find a way to explain that to you.

"Please," Rainbow Steve spoke again. "Tell me the truth."

Sabre drew in a breath. I must, he's my best friend, I can't hide anything from him.

"Well," Sabre began.

"Hey, you two!" blue Steve came running up to them. "Up for some marshmallows?"

"Uh," Sabre glanced at Rainbow Steve, then back to Blue Steve. "Sure."

"Come on, then." Blue Steve said. "Before Galaxy Steve eats them all!"

Sabre followed Blue Steve back to their camp after telling Rainbow Steve he'll explain later. I can't do this. He thought. I- I just can't!

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