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"What?" Sabre backed up a bit, his eyes wide with shock. "What do you mean "Forest Steve's right-hand Steve?"

"I helped Forest Steve when we were younger," Portal Steve said. "That's when he met the first non-Steve to ever exist. His name was Shark, and he was a shark Iumi. After some time, Forest Steve became annoyed with Shark and how he wasn't dead right then. So, the next day, he killed Shark himself, with his bare hands; Forest Steve's first kill. Suffocated him, beat him, and finally, using his powers, he killed him. But he didn't go to the Cemetary of Bones; Instead, he turned into a spirit and disintegrated into dust. We never saw him again."

Sabre blinked. What? He was shocked, outraged, and confused. "Disintegrated? What do you mean by that? Like- How my hand disintegrated when I first started dying?"

Portal Steve shook his head. "A spirit outside the Dead Forest will slowly turn to dust. I suppose it's like that movie I've seen before. What was it called again? Oh, yeah, Night at the Museum. Anyways, I deeply regret ever working with Forest Steve. I never meant for anyone to get hurt, and it's my fault we're in this mess." he lowered his gaze to avoid Sabre's stare. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you before."

Sabre didn't know what to say. He wanted to scold Portal Steve for not knowing any better, but at the same time he wanted to leave him. He couldn't do either! Not at a time like this. Instead, he gave Portal Steve a quick hug. 

"It's fine," Sabre told him. "But now is not the time for these sorts of things. We need to go find the rest of your friends."

Portal Steve smiled gratefully and nodded. "Alright. We'll go find a place to rest, and continue from there."

"'Find'?" Galaxy Steve raised his head to glare at Portal Steve. "How are we supposed to find a place to rest out here? We're in the middle of nowhere!"

Alex nodded in agreement. 

Before Portal Steve could reply, something rushed past at such high speed Sabre couldn't see what it was as it passed. Dust billowed around the group of friends as the thing disappeared. 

"Ther it is again!" Entity Steve exclaimed. "It's following us!"

"What is it?" Rainbow Steve glanced at Portal Steve. 

"I have no idea," Portal Steve replied. "But..." he trailed off, squinting his eyes in the direction of where the thing had ran. "It's coming back!"

Sabre turned to see for himself. Sure enough, a cloud of dust was roaring straight for him and the others. It came closer and closer until it stopped suddenly in front of Entity Steve, dust flying forward no his glasses. He squeaked in surprise, and when the dust cleared, a girl with tan hair and clothes stood there, a pearl necklace around her neck, her eyes a pale brown colour. Entity Steve quickly wiped the dust away from his glasses before staring at the girl. 

"Heyyo, Entity Steve!" she said with a wide smile spread of her face. 

Entity Steve's eyes were so wide, Sabre thought they would pop out of his head. Entity Steve was quite speechless, he made no sound for some time. Finally, he was able to form two words; two words Sabre knew everyone were happy to hear. 

"Dust Alex!"

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