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"Dust Alex?" Bright Steve questioned, gazing at the group. "Green Steve? Entity Steve? Portal Steve? What are you all doing here?"

"We came to get you," Portal Steve explained. "We have a problem."

"What sort of problem?" Bright Steve asked. Sabre couldn't help but think it was weird to hear Bright Steve's voice when he heard it from a dream.

"Well-" Portal Steve began. "We don't want to worry you-"

"Forest Steve is hunting all humans down and all the spirits in the Cemetary of Bones and all of the ones who get in the way which is us so we had to go find everyone else including you and Blue Alex because we have to save Emburn and the others!" Dust Alex finished, cutting Portal Steve off. "But, don't worry, I explained it in the best possible way to leave you calm."

"What?" Bright Steve exclaimed in dismay. "Emburn's in trouble?"

"What?" Dust Alex questioned. "Pfft, no! Forest Steve is just going to eat their souls and all. Everything's fine!"

"'Everything's fine?" Bright Steve stood in front of her. "Are you serious? We should leave, now. I already lost Emburn once, I won't lose her again."

"Exactly what I said," Dust Alex said.

"But, how do we get out of here?" Galaxy Steve asked. "We didn't leave a trail behind us. We're lost!"

Bright Steve blinked at him. "I know a way out, but it's dangerous. Are you up for it?"

"Dangerous?" Blue Steve asked uneasily.

"I think I'll pass," Galaxy Steve said. "If the only way out is dangerous and we can't die because we need to rescue someone, then I'll find my own way out."

"But-" Bright Steve was about to argue.

"Are you sure?" Alex asked.

"Sure I'm sure," Galaxy Steve said. "It won't be a problem, I can just turn around and walk straight."

Alex was hesitant for a moment. "Okay."

Green Steve motioned his hands and Portal Steve nodded.

"Green Steve's right," he said. "We don't have time for this, we have to get a move on. Forest Steve is determined to kill all humans, he could be closer to the Cemetary of Bones as we know it."

"Right," Sabre said. He turned to Bright Steve. "Lead the way."

* * *

Bright Steve led the group around trees and over large moss-covered logs and stones. Galaxy had decided to come with, stating his sense of direction wasn't as good as it once was.

"Will we rest before we search for Blue Alex?" Rainbow Steve asked.

"Should be," Portal Steve told him. "But, if I know Bright Steve, he's going to want to do everything he can to save Emburn, with or without us. There's a slim chance that we will get all the rest we need."

Sabre knew exactly how Rainbow Steve felt; This journey was longer than expected and will continuously grow. Though, if they were to go on, they had to find food and water, rest up until their energy is rebuilt. Yet, perhaps, Portal Steve was right; if they did stop for a break, Bright Steve would leave without them to save Emburn himself. Maybe it was best if they did keep going, with whatever amount of energy they each have left.

Bright Steve paused ahead of them, glancing up to his left. Sabre followed his gaze. A large stone cross sat on a small, steep hill, a tall and thick tree sat behind it, vines dangling from the branches high above them with white flowers dappled over them. Moss covered some of the cross's lower half and in front of it lay small baskets of nuts and fruits, even a freshly baked cake. Sabre knew exactly what it was, remembering what Portal Steve had told him; It was the grave Bright Steve had made in honour of Emburn. Glancing up at Bright Steve, who continued to stare at the sacred grave, Sabre noticed the grief shadowing the bright celeste Steve's eyes. Portal Steve stepped forward to set a reassuring hand on Bright Steve's shoulder.

"Don't worry," he said. "We'll save her, and the others."

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