AN: Link and time stamp at the end of chap for Nate's Team.
We're back with the main bois for now ;)
Breakfast was rather uneventful, well for him at least.
Everyone was chatting to someone else. Remus to Logan, Thomas to Sleep and Anxiety, Roman to Morality-
Even Fairy Godmother had attempted a conversation with him, but Janus stilled his tongue.
Instead he remained pensive throughout the whole ordeal, mechanically eating his food as his thoughts continued to race. He was unable to let go of the preconceived notion that two of his...and the Dream Keeper...had been ill and that it was all somehow connected. What that connection was, of course, was difficult to piece together. At first, the easiest thing would be to blame it on Her Highness, but if the Dragon Witch was truly responsible for the three's could she have done it? How did the three even connect? The Duke's illness was obviously different from dear little Anxiety's and that in of itself guaranteed that Sleep's one was dissimilar as well. The order and time in which they were ill was also different. The Dream Keeper had apparently had some ailment before Anxiety's and then came Remus'...was there someone next?
Deceit glanced left, Roman was there, oblivious and now idly chatting to Morality.
Why, when he thought of the next person to fall ill, did he automatically assume it would be the Prince? Was it because of the Royal's core connection to his twin? Creativity held a domain within the Subconscious after all and that's where Sleep and therefore dreams came into being. The Connection between Roman, Remus and Remy was exponentially clear, but what of Anxiety? How did fear play a role in all this-?
The sounds of various forks hitting plates nearly caused him to flinch.
Lost in thought, he had failed to realize that the others had nearly or had already finished their meals and that the resident Fae had long left the table and was currently washing the dishes.
He blinks.
Everyone was starting to move off the table and were heading towards the living room, slightly confused and not wanting to be left out; the Serpentine Side shoved his last forkful of waffles in his mouth, deposited his dishes in the sink, washed his hands and mouth and made his way into the living room with a glass of water.
He sat once again at his spot on the loveseat, closest to the hall, next to him was Sleep followed by Fairy Godmother. Thomas, Anxiety, Logan and Patton regained their spots across from them on the chaise.
Roman and Remus were squabbling, pushing and shoving each other for space as they sat down on the pink chair in the center of the room.
So it was the Twins' turn to tell their story.
Both halves of Creativity paused, their pushing and shoving somehow led to both of them getting stuck in the chair.
Romans shoved at Remus, "You could have waited! I have to go first anyway!"
The Duke's response was, of course, to cackle. "What's the matter Ro? Don't want support? I gotta make sure you tell the story right! I was technically there for the whole thing you know~!" What. You. Know.", Remus punctuated with a finger poke to his other half's cheek. "I. Know!"
Roman batted away the offending finger and grumbled something under his breath but did not deny his brother's statement. Instead he sighed, rolled his eyes and then began.

FanfictionBecause of an "Incident" Anxiety falls ill, Thomas won't speak, Logic is mad, Morality is just trying to be a good dad (they tell the best jokes) and Prince is trying to figure out what in the world is going on. Or Thomas finds out that the inner...