Remy woke with a gasp.
Eyes wide and body shaking as a choked sob left his throat. Quickly he slapped a hand to his mouth, trying to calm himself so as not to wake his bedmates.
Dream Sand had flared up at his unconscious distress and was currently circling agitatedly above and around the bed as if in search of threats; lightly illuminating the room with its golden glow.
Sleep took a few breaths, shaky ones at best but a lot further away from the panic attack he almost had. Glancing at the two beside him, he couldn't help but give a watery smile. In soft gold light the Girls were curled up together, deeply asleep with peaceful expressions on their faces.
Remy's panic began to subside when he clocked in on that fact. They were here. They were safe.
Taking one more deep breath, the Aspect carefully sits up and calls his Sand to him by simply reaching a hand out. It complied near instantly, streaming down to his fingertips to coil around his shoulders- forming into the Handbag.
Smiling, he pats the center gently and sneaks out of bed leaving the Girls there to get some well deserved rest.
Sleep tip toes quietly out of the room, just barely containing his shivers as he walked across cold tile. He very much regretted not taking shoes-
As if hearing his thoughts the Dream sand formed into a pair of home slippers.
The Aspect blinked, "huh, thanks, I guess", he whispered, wiggling his toes in new found warmth. The Sand gave him a squeeze which he interpreted as 'you're welcome'.
He kept walking downstairs aimlessly, lost in non-tangible thought...maybe a cup of water or even a small snack? Is that what he wanted?
One way to find out.
Down he went, the main kitchen was his decided destination, or at least that was where he was heading to. The moment Remy had reached the bottom of the steps, the Dream Sand practically dragged him forward towards the Dream Tower Central.
"Woah! Ok no need to drag hun, I'll follow!" He whisper shouts, arms pinwheeling to keep balanced. The Sand stopped dragging him, but if it had a face it would be giving him a look. The Aspect raises his hands in surrender," I'm following, I'm following!"
Inside the room Sleep looks around, the beanbag chair was still there, a few papers and files, nothing at all different from how he and the Girls had left it.
He scratches his head, "so you dragged me down here, why?"
The Sand simply drags him into the center of the room-
Remy shivers instantly, mind blanking out for a second. Panicking slightly, he took a step back-
He felt normal again.
He blinked, placing a hand to his head. The Sand shifted around him but he shook it off.
"Uh, the fuck? The hell was that?"
The Dream Sand didn't reply, instead it bristled and sputtered angrily in the center of the room.
Quirking a brow, the Guardian cautiously stepped closer to his distressed min-cyclone of Sand.
"Y'know, at first I thought you were dragging me to come back and work on tracking dream signals, but obviously this is something else- what are you sensing?"
The Sand crooned softly, a distressed hiss as it circled the area.
"A thing? What thing? From the subconscious? Is it dangerous?"

FanficBecause of an "Incident" Anxiety falls ill, Thomas won't speak, Logic is mad, Morality is just trying to be a good dad (they tell the best jokes) and Prince is trying to figure out what in the world is going on. Or Thomas finds out that the inner...