AN//: Currently still on a trip. We literally spent the whole day in Mangrove mud, mosquitoes, rain and algae. All my classmates are drinking and smoking weed in the room next door and I'm stuck in here alone. I don't smoke, good thing too, idk, it may kill me or smth cause y'know, asthma and I don't drink either. We don't leave this patch of dirt until Monday afternoon, and tomorrow is more trekking through slop... None of this bothers me much except for the fact that I got five tests back to back when I get back. Freaking halp.
Patton stood aside and watched, as the tornado that was Roman, tore through the room. The Prince was grabbing, opening and then throwing, scrolls and folders behind him left and right.
The two were currently in Roman's room, apparently searching for a paper file about Ex-Steward, Ericson's machine.
"I swear I brought it back!...or I think I did?! I don't-"
"Roman, when did you last have the file?"
"Before the trial, on Wednesday, it was written up for me-"
"Ok,well if you can't find it, why don't you ask the person who typed it up for you? They should have an original document right?"
The Royal pauses pensively.
"I mean...I guess I could just call- wait, wait that's it! He has all of it! The dreams, the schemes, everything!"
Roman shakes his head, pulling out his phone and looking up the contact.
"You'll see"
"Ok so, hear me out here you guys, what if the new Sander a debate?!"
"A debate? Really Joan? What are they going to debate about exactly? Can three people even debate about something? It can't be a two on one right? Wait...Thomas is the judge isn't he?"
Joan broke into a wider grin, glad their Datemate was catching on.
Talyn on the other had simply shook their head, though it was obvious that they were amused.
Thomas, blinked, "Ok, so a debate, I'm the judge and these two-", he points at Logic and Anxiety, "are the debaters. What are they debating about?"
"Good Question"
"Joan!" The incredulous and simultaneous shout came from everybody else in the room.
"Hey! I don't see you guys coming up with anything! I just though debate cause, Logan's a nerd and debates are low energy and less movement-"
"Rude", huffs Logic affronted.
Anxiety snorts, chuckling softly but Logan gave him a side eye and he shut up.
"*ehem*, But really Joan, we need something to debate on, we can't just go in there and not have a topic, or worse have a random topic and nothing makes sense, all the Veiwers would hate that and-"
Talyn cut them off.
"Woah, Anxiety, breath man. Over thinking things a bit are we?-"
"Kinda the definition of Anxiety Tal, over thinking negative things-"
"That's it!" Exclaims Joan, " Negative thinking! You can debate the ways Anxiety makes negative thoughts worse"
"Ok", starts Logan, "let's say we go with this idea, how exactly are we supposed to portray a debate while stimulating a so-so level of negative thinking and it's counteractive measures?"

FanfictionBecause of an "Incident" Anxiety falls ill, Thomas won't speak, Logic is mad, Morality is just trying to be a good dad (they tell the best jokes) and Prince is trying to figure out what in the world is going on. Or Thomas finds out that the inner...