60. Side by Side by Aspect

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"Alright big guy, nice and easy-oof!"

Anxiety ended up with Thomas draped over his chest, much to the mortification of the Host.

"Jeez Tommy, at least buy me a drink first!" Teases the Emo.

A red faced Thomas simply smacks at his chest, "shut up!" He squeaks, which only makes the Side beneath him chuckle more.

"It's fine Thomas, besides, it's only fair, I used you as a pillow yesterday"

"True, who knew you were a cuddler? It was kinda cute actual- ahhk, you're crushing meee! Ok! Ok! I give! I won't say anything about it Anxiety, I promise!"

Anxiety then released him from his jokingly tight hold, "good, I'll hold you to it Sanders"

Thomas laughs, "you're already holding me, what more do you want? And you say I'm the one who has to buy you a drink? I think not sir, I demand at least two glasses of the finest red wine-"

Anxiety huffs out a laugh. "If you day so Princess. Sheesh, I see where Roman gets his Dramatics from"

"Thank you! A Thank you!", says the Host in the best 'old school radio announcer voice' he could manage, "I'll be here until the sun comes up!"

The Dark Personality snorts and shoved Thomas' shoulder, "go to sleep, you dork"

"Yeah", mumbles the Manifestor, a yawn suddenly breaks its way through, "I'm seriously feeling really drained."

Anxiety winces and bites his lip, "um...about that. 'skinda my bad on that one"

Thomas looks up at him, only for the Emo to turn his face away. "Why did you challenge Patton? I don't know what it was about, but I do know a challenge when I see one and that definitely was one"

The Dark Personality sighs, "I...I had to..."


"I don't know ok? There was something...something told me that if I didn't check, I would regret it!"

Thomas looked confused, "regret what?"

"Patton's the Prominent ok? He has the ability to remove others from play, either split them up or force them to reincarnate. He said, he knew that he had to destroy the Dragon Witch's weapon, he didn't. Instead she might have access to that thing and if it hits one of us? Game over. If a Side doesn't come back, who knows what damage that would do to you?"

"Ok, I get that, I guess? But still why the challenge?"

Anxiety sighs, "He's never split a Personality, if push comes to shove, he has to. Something told me he wouldn't and I can't allow that. As Personalities, we're you're first defense. If one of us is corrupted and needs to be taken down, its Patton's job to do it. If he can't then it puts you at risk and I already told you-"

Thomas finishes for him, "when it comes to me, you don't take risks, right." The Manifestor sighs, "so because Patton says yes, you believe him?"

"I mean, he wouldn't challenge me back if he wouldn't, it's Patton. Besides, I was just checking and the Old man didn't let me down, so its all cool"

The Manifestor blinks. "Oh, ok. Good."

"Mhm, now go to sleep", mumbles Anxiety yawning. It seemed as if the challenge had worn him out too.

Thomas found it the appropriate time to tease the other. "You're just saying that so you can cuddle me without feeling embarrassed~"

"You know what?! Come here!"

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