50. The Present's past

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AN//: Happy 50th chapter. Read the AN's please.


"It starts, with the end"

"The end?" Asks Logan incredulously.

"Yes, the end", she smirks, "the end of a battle and the beginning of several more"

The fae circled her hand over the book and the image changed into the form of a building; a crumbling castle.

"Long ago, right before the end of the magic era, a King knelt before eight of his friends. They were the last ones left amongst the ruins of the Kingdom"

The image changes to show burning buildings, silhouette of mothers running away with their children; soldiers pointing and shouting for retreat. Hordes of people leaving in panicked chaos...

And then, empty streets.

"The King begged and pleaded with his friends to leave, She only wanted him after all"

There were nine figures now. A black figure, crying on his knees with a broken crown upon his head...the failed King. Surrounding him were his friends, there was a Red figure, an Orange one, a Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet and the last one was Gray.

"The friends refused, begging, pleading to him; to let them fight alongside him"

The King sighed finally and gave a command. All the figures lined up in a circle holding hands.

"Unable to deny his childhood friends, the King had asked them two things. Will you fight for me?"

The figures in the circle nodded.

"Will you forgive me?"

Confused, the figures looked at each other, then back at their King. But before giving them time to answer, the King then stepped back and drew a sigil in the air. The sigil expanded and the King sent it over the group where it became big enough to contain them. The sigil then dropped to the floor right beneath their feet, glowing a brilliant white light.

The King dropped to his knees as the light engulfed his friends and beamed upwards...the figures stranded in the light were screaming and writhing in pain.

"When the sigil broke, everyone was set free, each one falling unconscious immediately"

The figures were now on the floor, but when they woke...they found themselves able to split into eight individuals each.

"Each of the original figures still had their powers, but their splits had each unique ones...

And thus, they became the first Manifestors"


The Fae paused the story to quickly put away Janus' and Remus' dishes, she also brought some snacks and more water for the rest of them.

"So, the King was a sorcerer?"

"That he was Thomas", the fairy smiled at the Host, "now are we ready to continue?"

She received multiple nods, the story must go on after all. With a wave of her hand the images began moving.

"It's stated that the Manifestors battled the great evil that had destroyed their Kingdom. For simplicity sake, let's call that evil...Dragons"

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